Registration for Lewisboro Travel Baseball takes place in the late summer or early fall. This is a two-step, selective process.
Step 1 - Tryouts: First, prospective players register for tryouts, which are held on dates in August - September. There is no fee to participate in tryouts.
The goal is to recruit sufficient players to form several, competitive teams -- ideally 8U-12U -- to compete in the Greater Hudson Valley Baseball League ( If there is sufficient interest, LBA can support travel teams for age groups above 12U.
Step 2 - Callbacks and Acceptance: After tryouts, parents of the players who demonstrated the most advance baseball skills (or potential for skills development) will receive emails or calls informing them that they player has been offered a spot on a Lewisboro Travel Team. Invitees are then given some period of time (typically 48 hours) to decide whether to accept the officer and pay the associated registration fee. Failure to respond within the stated period can result in the offer being revoked and extended to the next prospective player in line.
Travel programs that are actively recruiting will appear below. Click on the button to begin the registration process.