Website Manager

Copper Hills Little League

Volunteer Roles and Description

Head Coach: Head Coach is there to coach the team, run practices, attend games, and set practice schedules.

Assistant Coach: Assistant coaches attend practices and games.  Follow the Head Coach's directions and run practice in the absence of the Head Coach.

Team Parent: Coordinates Snack Schedule, Communicates with Parents, Assist in picking up Uniforms/Pictures Packages, Manages Team Page, Assist during games if a Coach is missing.

Team Umpire: Team Umpire WILL ONLY umpire for their players team (Please note Umpire District Training March 4th & March 11th).  

Scorekeeper: Keeps pitch count, number of outs, number of runs on the scorebook, updates score on website  (Available for Minors Division and Up)

Concession Stand: You would assist CHLL running the Concession Stand.  There will be slot available to sign up during the season.

Umpire Youth: Umpires will be asked to umpire various games depending on volunteer schedule and scheduled games.  (Please note it is required to attend Umpire District Training on March 4th & March 11th).

Umpire Adult: Umpires will be asked to umpire various games depending on volunteer schedule and scheduled games.  (Please note it is required to attend Umpire District Training on March 4th & March 11th).

Baseball Volunteer Opportunities

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2025 Spring Baseball

Assistant Coach

Softball Volunteer Opportunities

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No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

Board Member Volunteer

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.