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The Hooperverse Youth Basketball League

Hooperverse is a Safe Haven

Safe Haven Rules & Policies

Signable PDF  Version CLICK HERE

Hooperverse's Child and Volunteer Protection Guidelines are designed to facilitate:

  • Appropriate Boundaries
  • Transparent Interactions
  • Protection of minors’ identities and privacy

Hooperverse  Staff must follow all supervision protocols:

  • At least two adults present at all times.
  • One adult for every eight or fewer children.
  • At least one adult of the same gender as the players.
  • No adult should ever be alone with a child other than their own, including transporting a child. When it is necessary to speak privately with a child, select a spot out of earshot but within sight of others for transparency.
  • Team Coaches are responsible for all players until they are picked up or leave the area as authorized by parents.
  • Parents must not “drop” players off at courts or Hooperverse activity without establishing contact with coaches.
  • No child shall be left unsupervised after a practice or game. Hooperverse does not recommend that children walk or ride a bicycle home alone. However, when allowed, the Coach should secure a General Release form from the parent/guardian to ensure their approval. This includes allowing a child to car pool with another parent.
  • The Hooperverse “Buddy” system must have at least 3 players to minimize opportunity for player-on-player abuse.

In order to prevent misunderstandings, physical contact with children should be:

  • In response to the need of the child only; intervene only as necessary for the health and safety of the child.
  • With the child’s permission, respectful of hesitation or discomfort.
  • Careful to avoid private or bathing suit areas.
  • Age and developmentally appropriate.
  • Always in the open; never in private.
  • Brief as in a hug from the side, “high five” or fist taps to signal a good job or support.

Hooperverse Kid Zone Pledge 

At The Hooperverse, we want all players, coaches, families and volunteers to have fun! That’s where Hooperverse Kids Zone comes in. Kids Zone is a special program that encourages all in attendance, from the sidelines to the court, to use positive language, demonstrate good sportsmanship, and create a great experience and positive environment for every player. Kids Zone is a reminder that the Hooperverse basketball court are a safe, friendly, happy, place for children to play and experience the joy of basketball without fear of judgement.

When anyone participates in The Kids Zone program, we ask that they have helpful reminders, including buttons, signage, and t-shirts on the court, to reinforce that no matter how intense the game can be, kids need encouraging support from the sidelines. Parents and spectators are asked to sign the pledge below and agree to the following guidelines:

  1. Kids are #1!
  2. Fun – not winning – is everything
  3. Practice proper physical distancing
  4. Set a proper example of sportsmanship
  5. Players Play, Fans cheer and Coaches coach
  6. Respect the volunteer referees…we couldn’t do it without them!
  7. No yelling, swearing or abusive behavior
  8. No weapons, alcohol, tobacco or drugs
  9. Leave no trash behind
  10. Celebrate the player – win or lose

Heat Illnesses

Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke are all serious (in some cases fatal) heat-induced conditions. It is imperative for the safety of your players and volunteers that you and your coaches know how to identify and treat them.

Heat Cramps

When a body loses too much water and salt through sweat, muscles tend to cramp (particularly in the abdomen and legs). Players suffering from these painful “heat cramps” should:

  • Rest in a shady spot.
  • Sip one glass of cool water every 15 minutes until the pain relents.

If the player’s parents are on hand, have them help by:

  • Massaging the affected muscles.
  • Applying cool, wet cloths to help relax the muscles.

Heat Exhaustion

Players with cool, moist, or flushed skin, heavy sweating, headache, nausea, dizziness, or muscle cramps may be experiencing heat exhaustion. This condition occurs when, because of high humidity or restrictive clothing, sweat is not properly evaporated and the body cannot cool down. To assist a player experiencing heat exhaustion:

  • Have the player lie down in a shady spot and elevate his or her feet.
  • Remove the child’s shoes, shin guards, and socks.
  • Apply cold packs to the armpit and scalp areas.
  • Have the player drink water or an electrolyte solution.
  • Dampen the player’s skin with cool cloths.
  • Fan the player to help evaporate excess sweat.

If the player’s parents are on hand, have them:

  • Remove the player’s shirt.
  • Apply cold packs to the groin area.

Heat Stroke

When a body completely loses the ability to cool itself, the internal temperature continues to rise resulting in heat stroke. If a player’s temperature rises too quickly, brain damage and/or death may result. Players suffering from heat stroke may have hot, dry skin — those with fair complexions may appear red, while darker-skinned individuals may appear gray. Victims may also experience a very rapid pulse and extremely high body temperature. In some cases, victims of heat stroke may seem confused, unresponsive, or even suffer from seizures. Recovery from heatstroke depends on the amount of time it takes to return the body temperature to normal, so immediate medical attention is imperative.

If you suspect that a player is suffering from heat stroke:

  • Call 911 immediately.
  • Follow the recommended treatment for heat exhaustion.
  • DO NOT attempt to give any liquids.
  • Contact the player’s parents.

Professional Basketball players lose three to five pounds of sweat during a game. In order to avoid serious heat-induced conditions, players must drink enough fluids to replace that sweat. Every player should carry his or her own sports bottle to practice, and coaches need to stop for drink breaks every 15 minutes during the summer. Symptoms of dehydration may include:

  • Dry lips and tongue.
  • Sunken eyes.
  • Dizziness or a loss of energy.

In addition to staying hydrated, wearing loose-fitting, lightweight clothing in light colors will help keep the body cool. Coaches must remember to conduct shorter, easier practices in the summer.

The Hooperverse Youth Basketball League

173 Cross St, Suite 200
San Luis Obispo, California 93401
Phone : 805-536-2777
Email : [email protected]
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