Mailing Address
Central Springfield Little League
P.O. Box 334
Springfield, Virginia
For questions about registration: [email protected]
For questions about payments and the availability of scholarships: [email protected]
All other questions can be sent to: [email protected]
2024–25 Board of Directors
Board Member
Email Address
Stephanie Budd
Vice President
Jason Planakis
Margaret Biastre
Lauren Dunham
Player Agent
Sarah Clark
Coaching Coordinator
Ben Jipson
Chief Umpire
Ralph Posey
Concession Manager
Eric Biastre
Equipment Manager
Jocelyn Fischer
Safety Officer
Randy Wheeler
2024–25 At-Large Members
Zach Bonner
Christina Cameron
Ted Dunham
Kevin Fealey
Scott Kurfis
John Moore
Board of Directors elections are held on the first Saturday in June each year. The term of the Board of Directors runs from October 1 through the end of September of the following year.