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New Canaan FC Code of Conduct

Player Code of Conduct

I hereby pledge to follow this Player Code of Conduct. I acknowledge this Player Code of Conduct applies to all players in connection with all practices, games, tournaments and any other CJSA and New Canaan FC events.

I will do my best to:

* Display good sportsmanship. I will play fairly and observe the rules of the game. I will respect my coach, teammates, other players, officials, and spectators. I will win with grace and accept defeat with dignity.

* Treat any coach, teammate, other player, official, or any spectator with respect, regardless of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability.

* Listen and learn from my coach. I will do my best to improve as a soccer player and give my best effort at all practices and games.

* Remember to work with my teammates and understand that together we form a team where everyone is equal. I will place the emotional and physical well being of other players ahead of my personal desire to win.

* Attend every practice and game that I can, and be responsible for notifying my coach or manager if I can’t attend a practice or game.

* Be prepared for practice and games by having my uniform, cleats, shin guards, ball, and water bottle.

* Accept the Referees’ decisions without argument. I acknowledge that the referees are there to maintain discipline, follow the rules, and promote fair play.

Parent Code of Conduct

I understand that as the parent(s)/guardian of a child who participates in the New Canaan FC, both I and my player are bound by the New Canaan FC Code of Conduct and accordingly:

* I will teach my child to play by the rules. I will place the emotional and physical well being of all players and spectators ahead of any personal desire to win.

* I will encourage my child to treat any coach, teammate, other player, official, or any spectator with respect, regardless of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability.

* I will help my child work toward skill improvement and sportsmanship. I will not criticize or permit or encourage my child to criticize any persons including players, managers, coaches, official, referees or spectators at any practices, games, tournaments, or New Canaan FC events.

* I will not engage in or encourage my child, or any other person in any behavior which would endanger the health, safety, or well-being of any player, manager, coach, official, referee or spectator. 

* I will not engage in the use of profanity or any other offensive language. I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in the use of profanity or any other offensive language. 

* I agree that I will not coach from the sideline or the stands. I will set a good example by only speaking positively about my child's team and teammates. I understand that only New Canaan FC- appointed team coach (es) may coach at games or practices, and that the team manager may administer to the needs of the team and to help the coach keep the team in order. I will stay on the side of the field opposite the players during the entire game and halftime.

* I will make every effort to have my child at all the practices on time as requested by the team. I will give both the coach and if a travel team, team manager, advance warning if my child can’t attend a practice or a game. I will make every effort to have my child prepared for practice/game by having his/her uniform, cleats, shin guards, ball, and water bottle.

* I understand the importance of respecting the judgment and expertise of my child's coach(es) when it comes to positions and playing time.

* I understand that disagreements with a coach or official must never take place on or near the soccer field. I will raise questions, provide input and make suggestions to the coach and/or New Canaan FC in an adult atmosphere, and away from the players.

* I understand that if my child or I have an issue or concern with one of the coaches or another team related matter, I will address it by observing the chain of communication set forth below, which includes a mandatory 48 hour waiting period (from the time of the incident). FIRST, I will speak with, or write to, the coach AFTER THE MANDATORY 48 HOUR WAITING PERIOD). If I am unsuccessful in contacting the coach or dissatisfied with the resolution, I will communicate with the appropriate age group coordinator. If I remain unsatisfied, or if issues linger as unsolved, I will petition the New Canaan FC Board of Directors or its designated sub-committee for a resolution consistent with the Board’s discretion.

* I will do my best to support the program by assisting in any volunteer capacity.

I acknowledge New Canaan FC prohibits and will not tolerate acts of racism, harassment, or intimidation of players. Such acts include any written, verbal or physical act that a reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, will have the effect of (i) physically or emotionally harming a player, (ii) insulting or demeaning any player or group of players, or (iii) creating a hostile environment for the player by severely or pervasively causing physical or emotional harm to the player.

I further acknowledge the New Canaan FC Board of Directors has the authority to discipline, suspend or terminate the membership or participation of any player, parent, coach or spectator to the extent the conduct of such person is considered in the Board’s discretion to be detrimental to the best interests of the New Canaan FC, or its mission. To the extent any such discipline, suspension or termination becomes necessary or appropriate, the applicable member will be notified in writing regarding the general nature of charges or assertions, which will include an appropriate meeting date to discuss same. The member will be given an opportunity to appear at the meeting to present any responsive and relevant facts and information prior to any final determination by the Board.

It is with the spirit of cooperation and betterment of the New Canaan FC programs that I willingly agree to this Code of Conduct and the overall mission of New Canaan FC. I agree that the continued cooperation and support of parents will facilitate the continued success of the program.

New Canaan Football Club

P.O. Box 292 
New Canaan, Connecticut 06840
Email : [email protected]
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