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Jul, 2024

Travel Tryouts (10U-12U)

Registration for 2025 Travel tryouts is now open! Don't miss out on your chance to register.

Note: 8u and 9u tryouts will be held later in the fall Sept/Oct. 

LBA Travel Spring/Summer '25

The Lewisboro Travel Baseball program fields teams that are focused on skills development and competitive play. Making a Travel team is a selective process. Prospective players attend try-outs, at which they are evaluated on a range of baseball skills. After the tryouts, teams are formed from players exhibiting the most developed (or, in some cases, potential) baseball skills. The LBA will notify by email those who make the team, and those players will have 48 hours to decide whether to accept.

Not all players have the skills necessary to compete at this level. On occasion, the LBA will accept prospective players from neighboring towns if needed to fill out a competitive team. Those not selected are encouraged to sign-up for our recreational league in the spring and/or our Sandlot programs that are focused on building baseball skills.
For more details on our Travel program, check out our web page HERE

To register your player, go to the "Available Programs" page on our website's Travel tab. There you will see the programs currently open for registration. 

Please note: Participation in Lewisboro In-Town recreational program in the spring is MANDATORY for all 8U-12U Travel players, except those in 7th grade. The LBA strives to schedule games and practices to avoid conflicts. However, due to rain-outs or other rescheduling, they can happen from time to time.

*The Division fees shown on the registration page are estimates based upon prior years. The final cost will be confirmed after discussions with the relevant head coaches. Fees are dependent upon factors such as: paid vs unpaid coaches, number of games, number & cost of umpires per game, and whether any tournaments are included. There is no fee for the try-out phase. 

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