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Aug, 2024

DCFFL Fall Flag Football Information

Fall 2024 registration  closes August 9th

Late registration is based upon availability and is not guaranteed. Once registration is full we will build a wait list and fill openings from the wait list on a first come - first served basis. You will be placed on any team that has openings in your grade division. Buddy requests cannot be met during late registration.

Q: How are Individual Players Placed on Teams?
A: This is a league designed to keep schoolmates and friends playing together. Individuals are placed on teams determined by Booster Club, school district, a buddy request, grade, and age factors. Our goal is for each elementary and middle school to have their own flag football teams. (We try to accommodate requests however, refunds are not provided due to an unfulfilled request) Most teams will have 8-10 players. If there are more than 12 players registered in the same grade/age division at the same school, those players will be divided into multiple "School" teams and then the remaining spots could be filled with players from other schools.

Q: What my child and their classmates do not have enough players to form a team? A: No worries! We will always try to keep classmates together but if needed we will combine players from other schools to form your team for the season. Refunds are not provided due to placing your child outside of your area.

Q: Where do practices take place.
A: Practices are typically held prior to your game. If it is convenient with parents, coaches may practice during the week. Time and location will be determined by the coach in conjunction with parents. Attendance for weekday practice is OPTIONAL. Every player will play half the game regardless of practice attendance.

REFUND POLICY: refunds will be issued only if a division does not make. *Refunds will not be issued if your Teammate or Coach request is not fulfilled.

*Combining Divisions: ***Please understand we, at the discretion of Davidson County Flag Football, may combine age divisions if there are not enough players in one division to be held on their own. No refunds will be given due to Davidson County Flag Football combining divisions

***Placement on teams: No refunds will be given due to dissatisfaction of placement of what team your child is placed on.

GAME DAYS: Games are scheduled to be played on Sundays starting at 1:00 pm. Practice will take place before each game. Saturdays will be used for makeup games and playoff games.

Game Locations:
ARCADIA: Arcadia Athletic Complex
DAVIS-TOWNSEND: Central Middle School & High School
MIDWAY: Midway Elementary School
REEDS: Reeds Athletic Complex
SOUTH DAVIDSON: Denton Elementary School SOUTHWOOD/SOUTHMONT: Linwood Athletic Complex
WALLBURG: Wallburg Athletic Complex
WELCOME: Welcome Elementary School

August 9th: Registration closes, last day for guaranteed spot on a team. Late registration based upon availability.

August 9th - August 19th: We will be forming teams, confirming coaches, ordering player jerseys, flags, creating schedules and more during this time.

August 25th: All schedules will be shared with booster club VP's.

August 25th:  Coaches Meeting. September 15th: 1st Day of games (Check your schedule under SCHEDULES / STANDINGS)

Schedules will be posted no later than September 13th.

October 27th: Last game day of the Regular season. League make-up dates: Please read the DCFFL weather policy. In the event of weather cancellations DCFFL will reschedule games when possible.

Playoffs & Super Bowl target dates: November 3rd/10th

EQUIPMENT: *Jerseys, Flag Belts, and a mouth guard must be worn each week.
- Your player must have a mouth guard to participate
- Your player must have shorts or sweatpants without pockets. If a participant wears shorts/pants with pockets, the pockets need to be taped down to prohibit players' hands/fingers from being caught in them when pulling flags
- Participants can wear any type of plastic molded cleats or sneakers
- Participants can not wear any type of jewelry

Please check your email filters to make sure messages do not get lost in your junk mail folder. Click on the Coaches/Parents tab for answers to common questions you may have. Please email us at [email protected] if you do not see an answer to your question.IMPORTANT DATES: July 12th: Fall registration begins
August 9th: Registration closes, last day for guaranteed spot on a team. Late registration based upon availability.

August 9th - August 19th: We will be forming teams, confirming coaches, ordering player jerseys, flags, creating schedules and more during this time.

August 25th:  Coaches Meeting. September 15th: 1st Day of games. Practice is held 1 hour PRIOR to game time listed each week. Check your schedule under SCHEDULES / STANDINGS.

Schedules will be posted no later than September 13th.

October 29th: Last game day of the Regular season. Playoff & Championship game times TBD.

November 3th/10th: League make-up date. Need determined by DCFFL Management. November 3rd/10th: Playoffs & Super Bowl   EQUIPMENT: *Jerseys, Flag Belts, and a mouth guard must be worn each week. Your jersey and flags, plus any additional merchandise you order during your registration will be shipped directly to your home. Your player must have a mouth guard to participate. Bring your own, or conveniently purchase at the Game Day Tent/Concessions for $5. *Shorts and/or sweatpants without pockets are to be worn during games. If a participants wears shorts/pants with pockets, the pockets need to be taped down to prohibit players' hands or fingers from getting caught in them when pulling flags.  *Participants can wear any type of plastic molded cleats or sneakers. *Participants can not wear any type of jewelry

Please check your email filters to make sure messages do not get lost in your junk mail folder. Click on the Coaches/Parents tab for answers to common questions you may have. Please email us at [email protected] if you do not see an answer to your question.


Lexington, North Carolina 27295

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