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Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation

Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation

Arlington County Saturday Morning Basketball League

The Saturday Morning Basketball League is for children in 1st and 2nd grade who live or go to school in Arlington County. Sessions are held on Saturday Mornings starting January 2025. No kindergartners are allowed to play within this program regardless of their age and ability. Players will use junior sized basketballs and play on 8 foot basketball hoops. Teams are coached by parent or community volunteers.

Registration for Grades 1-2 has been extended. Registration will close on October 13th at 11:59pm. 

Registration Fees

Registration: Registration opens August 26, 2024, and will remain open through Sunday, October 13, at 11:59pm. (Late & Waitlist enrollments will be accepted thru Sunday, October 27, at 11:59pm.)

Income-based fee reductions are available to qualified individuals for all Arlington County programs. Children who receive reduced lunch pay 50% of the basketball registration fee; children who receive free lunch pay 25%.  Children eligible for fee reductions can register online but  please do NOT complete the payment section and contact your league commissioner to make payment arrangements at the discounted rate. Individuals requesting fee reductions also may register in person at the Arlington Sports Office, or via mail. You can find more information about fee reductions here.

Refund Policy: There will be a $20 cancellation fee for all refunds.

Note: Our credit card processor adds a 2.5% surcharge to all credit card payments. Arlington County does not receive any portion of this fee. Debit cards are processed as credit cards and incur the 2.5% fee.  A $20 cancellation fee will be subtracted from cancellation refunds.

Additional League Information

Location: All sessions are held at the Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 2nd St. S.

Team Placement: Teams are organized by school. Priority to play on team with schoolmates or with the previous year’s team is given to those who register before the close of registration.  We do our best to accommodate requests, however, team sizes are limited to 8-12 players, and we cannot guarantee placement based on teammate or coach requests. 

Volunteer Coaches:  Volunteer coaches are essential to Arlington’s youth basketball program. Each team is assigned between 2-4 volunteer coaches.  The more coaches per team the better the ratio of participant to volunteer and enhances the overall participant experience.  Parents and other interested persons are encouraged to apply to coach a team.  The weekly time commitment is about 1 hour each Saturday morning. Information for 2024-25 coaches will be made available and posted prior to the season start.

Parents Meeting:
Date and Time: TBD
Location: TBD
This meeting is OPTIONAL.  The informational meeting serves as a supplement to information sent by email. It is recommended for first time parents. Kids are welcome.

Coaches Meeting/Training:
Date and Time: Wednesday December 4th from 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: Lubber Run Community Center, Gym
Volunteer coaches or those wishing to volunteer will meet to learn more about the league format, review sportsmanship and discuss basketball skills and drills used in this program. For the basketball grades 1-2 we need as many volunteers as we can and holding this program on holidays makes it hard to ensure the right amount of volunteer coverage for the program.

Jersey Distribution:
Coaches will be able to pick up Jerseys on: Wednesday December 4th from 3pm - 7pm
Location: Lubber Run Community Center, Gym

Schedule Overview:

Practices & Game dates will begin in January 2025. This program will only take place on Saturdays between 8:30am and 2:30pm at Thomas Jefferson Community Center.

  • 1/11/24
  • 1/18/25
  • 1/25/25
  • 2/1/25
  • 2/8/25
  • 2/22/25
  • 3/1/25
  • 3/8/25
(No Games 2/15/25)

Make Up Dates:
TBD as Needed

League Commissioner


Uniforms: All participants will receive a Saturday Morning Basketball reversible jersey as part of their registration fee.  Please be sure to indicate the appropriate size on your child’s registration form.

All participants will use junior sized basketball and play on 8 ft hoops.
Junior Size basketballs are outlined as 27.5" or 28", or Size 5.


Everyone involved in our program should be familiar with and uphold the Code of Conduct, officials, coaches, parents and players all have a hand in promoting this code and reporting violations.  Please read the parents’ code of conduct before registering, and discuss the player code with your child(ren).

Coaches: Code of Conduct – Coaches
Parents: Code of Conduct – Parents
Players: Code of Conduct – Players

Game Schedules

The league plays on Saturdays only. Clinics, practices, and games all meet on Saturdays at the times below.  Players will participate in a series of Skills Clinics, Team Practices and Guided Games.  Guided games are not scored, and the coaches act as informal referees to help participants learn and understand the game play, rules and violations of the game. 
(Times will be announced after registration concludes and teams are formed-approximately November/December 2024)

Each week your team will meet at the same time. Times are designated by your assigned team number.  Please arrive 10 minutes ahead of your scheduled time to ensure there are no delays.

General Schedule:

Girls Teams

  • 1st Grade Girls: (All Teams) 11:30am - 12:20pm
  • 2nd Grade Girls: (All Teams) 8:30am - 9:20am

Boys Teams

  • 1st Grade Boys: (Teams 1-12) 12:30pm-1:20pm
  • 1st Grade Boys:(Teams 13-22)-1:30pm - 2:20pm
  • 2nd Grade Boys: (Teams 1-14) 9:30am-10:20am
  • 2nd Grade Boys: (Teams 15-26) 10:30am -11:20am

Registration Listing

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

Team Personnel Listing

Register Now

2024-25 Winter House Basketball League

Head Coach 
Assistant Coach
Team Manager 

Concussion Awareness

To help ensure the health and safety of young athletes, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) developed the Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports initiative to offer information about concussions to coaches, parents, and athletes involved in youth sports. The Heads Up initiative provides important information on preventing, recognizing, and responding to a concussion.  We suggest that parents take this opportunity to educate themselves on the symptoms of concussions and the appropriate way to monitor them.  You will be surprised as to how many signs there are that most take for granted or simply miss.  Click HERE for more helpful information.


All players must be Arlington County residents as of the date of their first game. 'Resident' is defined as:

  • A person or family living within the geographical boundaries of Arlington County, Virginia.
  • A person or family whose property is bisected by the county boundary and that of an adjacent jurisdiction, such that real estate taxes are paid to Arlington County.
  • A person or family owning property and paying real estate taxes in Arlington County even though that person or family resides outside the county boundary.
  • Current employees of the Arlington County Board or the Arlington County School Board, and their immediate family members.
  • Nonresident, full-time students who attend a public or private school in Arlington County


Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation
300 N. Park Dr 
Arlington, Virginia 22203

Phone: 703-228-4747
Email: [email protected]

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