Bat Buying Guide
Please note that purchasing a bat is NOT a requirement to play in our league. Each team is supplied with several bats which may be used by any player on the team. However, we do recognize that many families will purchase a bat for their player(s) and the links below provide useful information on making a prudent purchase.
Required Bat Certification InformationPurchasing a BatLittle League International requires that one of following stamps appear on any non-wood bat used for play during competition.
Glove Buying Guide
Glove Buying GuideHelmet Buying Guide
Please note that purchasing a helmet is NOT a requirement to play in our league. Each team is supplied with several helmets which may be used by any player on the team. However, we do recognize that many families will purchase a helmet for their player(s) and the links below provide useful information on making a prudent purchase.
Helmet Buying GuideA couple of extra notes about helmets
- All helmets must be NOCSAE approved. Helmets with this safety certiification will be marked with this stamp.
- Helmets should not be painted unless approved by the manufacturer.
- Helmets with a face guard are recommended for Vosburgh Divisions and below
If you purchase a helmet and intend to make any modification, e.g. adding a helmet c-flap, then please read the information at the following link with regards to Little League International rules on helmet attachments
Requirements for Helmet Attachments