Thank you for being a Parent in the Auburn Little League!
Auburn Little League is a volunteer organization. It cannot be effective if only the board of directors and a few other parents do all the work. It is critical that each parent be involved with the everyday operation of Auburn Little League.
See the Auburn LL bylaws link to be an informed parent. Parent involvement helps ALL of the kids playing in Auburn Little League. Therefore, ALL parents shall be accountable for one of the areas of responsibility on their child’s team. Each parent shall have something to do that will foster team spirit and take burdens off the managers’ shoulders. Also parents are needed to makeup the board and various committees within the board. Areas where parents should help include, but are not limited to, the following:
League Field Clean up Day
Manager, Coach, Asst. Coach
Uniforms- get uniforms from league, distribute and collect to your team
Fundraisers- be the teams point person for any league fundraising
Concessions. One person on the team will assign the team Concessions shifts to parents on the team.
Team Safety Officer (should be Manager)
Pre-game field preparation and post-game field repair. Drag, chalk field set up bases etc...
GameChanger App/ Text/Phone Tree
Team Parent: Insures all the jobs are getting done assists where necessary.
Board Member/League committee person
The team manager will be provided with a parent volunteer form listing the areas where volunteers are needed for his/her team. The parents are required to select an area to volunteer for prior to the beginning of the season.
Parent Conduct: Parents MUST exhibit good sportsmanship at all times, especially from the stands. Coaching from the stands is not allowed, but encouraging players is. Negative comments will not be tolerated! See Parent code of Conduct.