Park Rules
1. For the safety of our children, please drive 5 mph or less and safely through the park's drives and parking areas.
2. No alcohol or other illegal substances.
3. No smoking near the ball fields or common areas (e.g., bleachers, dugouts, concession stand, office, etc.). Please keep smoking with the parking areas. This includes e-cigarettes and vape pens.
4. No pets. We love dogs too, but for safety and liability reasons, please leave dogs and all other pets at home.
5. Only Board members and umpires are allowed to park by the concession stand (unless specifically approved by the Board).
6. No parking by the dumpster. Access to the dumpster is always needed.
7. Please adhere to all other no parking signs throughout the park.
8. Please refrain from foul language in front of children.
9. Most of all, please keep a positive attitude when you are at the ballpark. The ball players are children, and the game is intended to be fun. The managers, coaches, Board members, umpires, scorekeepers, and other volunteers are exactly that...volunteers. Everyone at the ballpark is trying to maintain an organization that provides a positive, developmental, and fun activity for the Conway area's youth. Please help us foster this positive environment.
For Questions or Concerns, Please See Below:
Lynzie Wheeler-Player Agent 407-413-7230
Cel Rodriguez-VP Upper Divisions (Minors, Majors, Juniors) 321-229-2151
Eric Wheeler-VP Lower Divisions (Tee Ball and Rookies) 321-732-2041
Brady Adams-Vice President 407-782-7601
Frank Edwards-President 407-383-8100