• Towns reach out to all eligible players notifying them that fall ball registration is open. Eligible players are any players who play in the town rec program.
• Teams are to be formed based on the age group the girls will play in for the 2021 spring rec season.
• Towns form teams for each age group as numbers allow. If a town has more than 1 team in an age group, teams should be as evenly matched as possible.
• Towns then have managers register those teams with the Bay State Fall Softball League. The league reserves the right to limit teams in an age group to an even number for scheduling purposes.
• Teams will be taken on a first come basis so don't hesitate getting your teams registered.
• All towns should try to host at least 1 weekend of games for each age group you have a team for. Minimum of two fields required to host games.
• Host towns are responsible for prepping the fields and making sure they are safe for play in the event of foul weather.
• Towns are not required to flip fields between games, but may want to provide a rake for cleaning up the pitching circle and batters boxes.
• The amount of travel your teams will be doing will be determined by 3 factors:
1. Whether your town can host games
2. How many of your neighboring towns are hosting games
3. Are your neighboring towns hosting games in the same division as your teams