July 6-August 14, 2020
Grades: Rising 9th-12th graders
Cost: $200
Registration Instructions:
The website is down. Please Email Coach Cory if you wish to attend. Thank you!
Contact Information
For more information contact Clinic Coordinator Cory Ward at 978.867.4338 or [email protected].
Description: For students entering high school looking to prepare themselves through field hockey specific fitness training and stick work. Be ready for your preseason training by working hard all summer.
Dates: July 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 27, 29, 31 | August 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14
Time: 7-8:30am
Staff: Gordon College head coach, assistant coaches, current Gordon athletes, and other support staff.
What to bring: cleats, shin guards, stick, goggles, mouth guard, indoor shoes, water bottle, sunscreen, snacks (optional)
Inclement Weather: In the event of inclement weather we will do our best to utilize indoor space to continue our training.
Athletic Training/Medical Staff: Certified, full-time athletic trainers and student trainers provide for players in need. Trained EMTs are available on campus and local hospitals are easily accessible if necessary. If your child has a pre-existing medical condition, requires medication, or carries emergency medication such as an Epipen, please notify Coach Ward and/or the medical staff.
Correspondence: All correspondence for the clinic is handled through email so please provide your most relevant email address. We do not share this information with anyone.
Additional information and clinic updates will take place more often as the start of the clinic approaches, so please check your email regularly.
Waiver Information: All participants are required to submit a completed
Camp Waiver Form (linked here and attached to this email).
This clinic must comply with regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.