July 27-31, 2020
Ages 8-11 Volleytots | Ages: 11-16 Beginner & Intermediate
Cost: $325
To Register, Clink on My Account at the top of the page.
Registration Instructions:
registration instructions.pdf
Contact Information
For more information contact Camp Coordinator Sue Kelly at 978-867-4324 or [email protected].
Who Runs Camp?
Gordon College head coach, assistant coaches, current Gordon athletes, and other support staff.
Daily Schedule
Monday–Thursday | 9 AM–3 PM
Friday | 9 AM–NOON
Daily activities include skill work, drills, games/scrimmages, swim breaks, and lunch (provided).
Lunch is included in your camp tuition and will be provided each day. If your child has any food allergies, please notify camp staff so we can provide healthy options for your child.
What to bring
Appropriate volleyball attire, knee pads, swimsuit/towel (optional), water bottle, raincoat, snacks/money for snacks (optional)
How are campers divided/grouped?
One court for up to 20 players will be dedicated to Volleytots aged 8-11 with a lower net and lighter volleyballs.
Beginning and intermediate players ages 11-16 will be taught the fundamental skills of volleyball needed to make a school team and earn playing time. Emphasis will be on overhead serving including the jumpserve, spike timing and power, passing and digging skills and setting. Small group instruction will be provided by Gordon Colleges coaches and players.
Can campers be paired with friends/teammates?
We are open to pairing requests if you identify the friends/teammates with whom your child would like to be grouped, but there are no guarantees those requests can definitely be met. If a request can’t be met for some reason, there will be plenty of time throughout the day for campers to be with friends (playing sessions, swim time, lunch, snack breaks, etc.), even if they’re not on the same team.
Health Forms
All campers are required to have health insurance coverage and provide the College with recent medical reports. A report of a physical examination conducted within the last 18 months as well as an immunization record completed by your doctor will need to be submitted no later than two weeks prior to the start of camp. Gordon does not require that a specific form be used, only that all information is submitted. Doctors will usually mail or fax these upon request.
Camp Waivers
All campers are required to have an Emergency Contact, Health History, Camper Release, Sunscreen, and Epipen (if applicable) Form on file. These forms are available HERE, on the top navigation bar on the home page, and will also be attached to your confirmation email.
Registration/Drop-off and Pick-up
Registration will open at 8:30 a.m. on the first day of camp in the Bennett Athletic Center. After that, all drop-off and pick-up will be at Bennett.
Athletic Training/Medical Staff
Certified, full-time athletic trainers and student trainers provide immediate treatment to campers in need. Trained EMTs are available on campus and local hospitals are easily accessible if necessary. If your child has a pre-existing medical condition, requires medication, or carries emergency medication such as an Epipen, please notify the camp director and/or the medical staff. If your child carries an Epipen, you are required to submit a Permission to Administer Epipen Form which is included in the Camp Waiver Forms download.
Camp medical advising and oversight is provided by Gordon Athletics team physician, Dr. Navid Mahooti MD, MPH, of the North Shore Medical Center (978-882-6700).
Do you offer Discounts?
Yes! We offer a Gordon College Employee Discount, Sibling Discount, and Multi-Week Discount. If you are a Gordon College employee, have sibling children wishing to register for camps, or have a child wishing to attend the same camp for multiple weeks, please email the camp director requesting the promotional codes that can be used with online registration.
What if I have to cancel a camp?
Full refunds can be issued if extenuating circumstance necessitates you canceling your camp registration. Please directly contact the camp director to notify him/her of your situation and request a refund.
All correspondence for camp is handled through email so please provide your most relevant email address when registering. We do not share this information with anyone. Additional information and camp updates will take place more often as the start of camp approaches, so please check your email regularly.
Massachusetts Policy
Massachusetts requires that every camp provide a copy of their background check, health care, discipline, and grievance policies to any parent or guardian upon request. If you would like a copy or have a question not covered above, please contact us at 978.867.4338 so that we may better assist you.
This camp must comply with regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and be licensed by the local board of health.