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PTWLL Forms, Policies, and Rules

Please see the links to the right for various forms and policies specific to PTWLL.

Minimum sanctions for parents, spectators and coaches who violate the policies, codes of conduct and codes of ethics are noted below.

Prohibited on PTWLL property at all times, including but not limited to
- Alcohol of any kind in any form,
- Smoking or Vaping or Juuls or similar tobacco products (including in the woods around the property),
- Pets of any kind (except for certified support animals which are clearly identified by vests or similar manner),
- Bikes, Scooters, Skates/ Skateboards (motorized or non-motorized) and other wheeled items except for items and devices required for a disability or injury.

Code of Conduct Violations - Minimum Sanctions for Parents, Spectators and Members

Directed Towards
Use of alcoholWithin the park during game or practice or other league or team event where players are present.Ejection from park
One game suspension
PAYS certification
Use of illegal substancesSame as aboveMinimum of one year suspension
PAYS certification
Interference with the conduct of the gameResulting in a stoppage of playWarning
Interference with the conduct of the game - 2nd offenseSame as aboveEjection from field or park
PAYS certification
Foul or abusive languageA player, coach, official or spectatorEjection from field or park
PAYS certification
Foul of abusive language - 2nd offenseSame as aboveEjection from field or park
1 week suspension
PAYS certification
Striking or bodily assault in any threatening fashionSame as aboveEjection from field or park
Minimum 1 year suspension from attendance and participation
PAYS certification
Threatening gesture or languageSame as aboveEjection from field or park
Up to 1 year suspension from attendance and participation
PAYS certification
Death threat and/or languageSame as aboveEjection from field or park
At least 1 year suspension
Pays certification

Soliciting of any sort is prohibited on Par-Troy West Little League property or at any Par-Troy West Little League function, game or event. Any violation of this by a League member will be brought up to the Disciplinary Committee and possible disciplinary action taken. Any non member soliciting will be asked to leave the premises immediately.

Any parent who is suspended may allow their child to continue to play if they appoint a "parent-guardian" to take the child to games and practices.Failure to do so will result in the child not being allowed to participate.

Minimum Sanctions for Coaches

Use of alcoholWithin the park during game or practice or other league or team event where players are present.Ejection from park
1 game suspension
PAYS certification
Use of illegal substancesSame as aboveMinimum of 1 year suspension
PAYS certification
Interference with the conduct of the gameResulting in a stoppage of playWarning
Interference with the conduct of the game - 2nd offenseSame as aboveEjection from field or park
PAYS certification
Knowingly requiring or allowing a player to play while having a serious injury.Suspension for the season
Foul, or abusive language or excessive arguing with an umpire.A player, coach, official, or spectatorEjection from game and from field or park
1 game suspension
Pays certification
Foul of abusive language - 2nd offenseSame as aboveEjection from game and from field or park
Up to 1 year suspension
PAYS certification
Allowing or encouraging foul, abusive, or threatening language or behavior by players.Same as aboveEjection from game and a 2 game suspension
Threatening gesture or languageSame as aboveEjection from field or park
Up to 1 year suspension from attendance and participation
PAYS certification
Death threat and/or languageSame as aboveEjection from field or park
At least 1 year suspension
Pays certification
Striking or bodily assault in any threatening fashionSame as aboveEjection from field or park
Minimum 1 year suspension from attendance and participation
PAYS certification
Striking or bodily assault - 2nd offenseSame as aboveLifetime suspension

All disciplinary issues will be reviewed by the PTWLL Safety and Disciplinary Committee

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