Website Manager

Frequently Asked Questions

I live outside the Olentangy district. Can my child participate in OYAA programs?
Programs/divisons requiring a try-out (Stix program, Phoenix program, Travel Basketball) and programs with a registration cap as indicated on the program page (golf and indoor lacrosse) require that participants reside within the boundaries of the Olentangy Local School District. Proof may be requested. Most of our programs are recreational and are open to any child within the age/grade parameters.

Can I request a teammate/coach for my child?
Not all programs take requests. For those that do, a field is included in the registration form. Requests should be noted within registration form. Emailed requests will not be considered.

The request field in the player registration form is meant for parents to request ONE player and/or coach for their child. Be sure to include first and last names (we do not reference past teams).

The comment/request field in the volunteer registration form is meant for volunteers to request another parent volunteer with whom to be paired or to note other factors that may affect their ability to volunteer, such as scheduling limitations. OYAA will not accept a volunteer's list of kids to be put on their team. Their own child is a given and there is a separate field to note their child's name.

If Anakin wants to coach Luke, Han and R2, Anakin should remind the parents to include "Coach Anakin Skywalker" and "teammate Luke Skywalker" on their children's registration forms.

Program commissioners/coordinators do their best to honor requests but will not do so at the expense of competitive balance in the program.

Note: waitlist players are added to fill in teams, teammate and/or coach requests notwithstanding.

My child is in 2nd grade but the website is offering me a 3rd grade program. Does that mean he is eligible?
While some of our programs are organized by age, others are organized by grade in school, as indicated by the division name - 5th grade girls, for example. Our system only recognizes dates of birth when filtering out available programs for each athlete. We have to estimate the typical range of birthdays for students in those grades and allow a cushion on each end of the range. Parents must choose the division that reflects the true grade for their child.

How does the wait list work?
After an initial open enrollment period, OYAA continues to collect registration via a wait list. No payment is collected during wait list registration. Pausing the enrollment in this way gives commissioners an opportunity to evaluate current enrollment data to see where they have needs.
Commissioners will activate wait list kiddos to fill vacancies. Personal requests are not considered.  
Note that once activated, payment must be remitted by a specified deadline - usually 24 hours but could be less - or the open spot will be offered to someone else and your order will be canceled. This cannot be reversed, but you may register for the wait list again. Your order will be treated as new, subject to late fees at activation (if any) and will go to the back of the line.

How do I cancel my order?
To cancel your order, send an email to [email protected] and copy the program commissioner before the deadline. Read the cancellation policy here. Your email must include the athlete's full name and program you wish to cancel.

How will I
 be notified if an OYAA event (practice/game) is canceled?
Each program has its own notification process for cancellations. It may be an announcement posted on our website, a group email from OYAA, or another method of communication determined by the commissioner/coaches. See the program page for information or contact the program commissioner to inquire.

School is closed today due to weather. Will my child still have practice tonight?
Read the full winter weather policy here.

Do you hold off-season camps for your programs?
OYAA does not hold off-season camps over and above the regular programs. Many of the high schools and local colleges will hold camps during summer and/or winter breaks. Consult the Athletic Department page on the school website or contact the varsity coach.

I need help with the GameChanger Team Manager app.
Support for the mobile app is not provided by SportsConnect. You can find support information for GameChanger here.

I am having trouble with the website and/or my account.
Many technical issues are resolved by using a desktop PC rather than a mobile phone or tablet. You may also need to try a different web browser or clear your cache. If that doesn't solve your issue, SportsConnect Technical Support is 866-981-2583.
If it's an account settings issue (duplicate accounts, incorrect email address, etc), please contact the OYAA Administrative Assistant.

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