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Code of Conduct

Youth sports programs play an important role in the development of physical, social, and emotional growth of children. It is essential for parents, coaches, and officials to encourage youth athletes to embrace the values of good sportsmanship, positive character development, and acceptance of others.

OYAA is a long-standing organization that continues to provide numerous opportunities to young people to engage in sport and competition through teamwork, mutual respect, positive attitudes, and consideration for others in a safe and healthy environment. Our goal is to elevate and support our players through the positive encouragement of coaches and peers.  

Players' Code:

  • Have fun!
  • Be honest and fair, and always show respect and good sportsmanship to all coaches, teammates, opposing players, officials, and fans.
  • Be committed to your team, coaches, and teammates.
  • Be on time for all practices and games.
  • Put personal goals aside for the betterment of the team.
  • Do not encourage or engage in unsportsmanlike behavior – either verbally or physically.
  • Treat EVERYONE with respect and dignity regardless of race, ethnicity, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or mental, physical, or sensory disabilities, or by any other distinguishing characteristic.
  • No drug, alcohol, or tobacco use is allowed at any OYAA function.
  • Be aware of and understand the OYAA Players' Code of Conduct.

Parent/Volunteer Code:

Parents are extremely important to the development of young athletes. Whether just observing from the stands or volunteering with the team, parents and volunteers must always set a positive example and be a role model both on and off the field.

As a parent/volunteer:

  • I will always remember that children participate to have fun, and that the game is for the players, not adults.
  • I will inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others.
  • I will learn the rules of the league.
  • I (and any guest that attends with me) will be a positive role model for my child (as well as for other children) and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy for all players, coaches, officials, and spectators at every game, practice, or sporting event.
  • I (and any guest that attends with me) will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent such as booing, taunting, or usage of profane language or gestures.
  • I will ensure that my child knows and follows the Players' Code of Conduct.
  • I will teach my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflict without resorting to hostility or violence.
  • I will instruct my child to treat other players, coaches, officials, and spectators with respect regardless of race, ethnicity, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or mental, physical, or sensory disabilities, or by any other distinguishing characteristic.
  • I will praise my child for competing and playing hard and let my child know that doing one’s best is more important than winning.
  • I will only give constructive criticism during a private moment, never in front of other parents, players, or officials.
  • I will support the coaches and refrain from excessive “sideline coaching” from the stands.
  • I will NOT encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in unsportsmanlike behavior with any coach, player, official, or any other attendee.
  • I will respect officials and their authority during games.
  • I understand that no drug, alcohol, or tobacco use is allowed at any OYAA function.


I hereby agree that if I fail to follow the guidelines set by the OYAA Code of Conduct, I may be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to the following depending on the severity of the offense:

  • Verbal or written warning
  • Suspension or ejection from current youth sports game and/or practice
  • Suspension from future youth sports games
  • Suspension from youth sports season
  • Permanent suspension from all OYAA activities
  • Any other action deemed appropriate by OYAA

If there is a compliance infraction of the OYAA Code of Conduct, the procedure for addressing the issue will be as follows:

  • The player and/or parent will be contacted by a representative from OYAA.
  • The representative from OYAA will schedule a time to meet with the player and/or parent to discuss the infraction. This meeting may take place by phone or in person and will be scheduled as soon as possible after OYAA has been made aware of the infraction.
  • The representative from OYAA will evaluate the situation and offer an opinion to the Director of Operations, who will decide what steps should then be taken. This could result in any of the disciplinary actions listed above.
  • After a decision has been made, the player and/or parent will be notified of the administration’s position in writing and the appropriate action will be followed.
  • If the accused player or parent wishes to appeal the decision, a formal request must be made in writing to the OYAA mailing address within 14 days of the decision.
  • If an appeal is received within 14 days of the issuance of the decision, the matter will be heard by the OYAA Board of Trustees.
  • After reviewing the case, the Board of Trustees will issue a decision. The decision of the Board of Trustees is final.

OYAA Policy Against Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying

We ask that all families review this policy with their children. Together we can ensure that all our children and participants have a better understanding of this issue and can help make youth sports more accepting and enjoyable for everyone.

OYAA prohibits and will not tolerate acts of harassment, intimidation, and bullying (including cyber-bullying). Harassment, intimidation, and bullying are defined by any gesture or action, any written or verbal act, or any electronic communication, whether it be a single incident or a series of incidents that:

  • is reasonably perceived as being motivated by race, ethnicity, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or mental, physical, or sensory disabilities, or by any other distinguishing characteristic; and which
  • takes place in relation to any OYAA program function or team; and that
  • a reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, would have an effect of physically or emotionally harming a player or damaging a player’s property, or placing a player in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm to his/her person or damage to his/her property; or
  • has the effect of insulting or demeaning any player or group of players; or
  • creates a hostile environment for the player by interfering with a player’s participation or by severely or pervasively causing physical or emotional harm to the player.

Notification of any alleged harassment, intimidation or bullying shall be made to the affiliated coach, program commissioner, or OYAA administration representative. The procedure for addressing this issue will be as follows:

  1. If the coach of the alleged offender or victim is notified, the coach is obligated to report the allegation to the program commissioner and/or the Director of Operations.
  2. The program commissioner will gather all pertinent information in a fair, respectful, and confidential manner regarding the alleged harassment, intimidation or bullying and forward that information to the Director of Operations.
  3. The Director of Operations and Executive Director will evaluate the situation and render a decision in the matter. This could result in any of the disciplinary actions listed above.
  4. After a decision has been made, the player and/or parent will be notified of the administration’s position in writing and the appropriate action will be followed.
  5. If the accused player or parent wishes to appeal the decision, a formal request must be made in writing by the parent of the subject player to the OYAA mailing address within 14 days of the date of the decision.
  6. If an appeal is received within 14 days of the date of the issuance of the decision, the matter will be scheduled for hearing by the OYAA Board of Trustees who will notify the parties of the date, time, and location of the hearing. The parents and/or player will be given the opportunity to present evidence at the hearing in support of any appeal.
  7. After reviewing the case, the Board of Trustees will issue a decision. The decision of the Board of Trustees is final.

Revised May 2021
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