Expectations of a
Dumont Soccer Club Parent/Guardian
I understand that as the parent(s)/guardian of a child who participates in the Dumont Soccer Club (DSC), I am bound by the DSC Code of Conduct and accordingly;
(1) I will teach my child to play by the rules. I will place the emotional and physical wellbeing of all players and spectators ahead of any personal desire to win.
(2) I will help my child work toward skill improvement and sportsmanship. I will not criticize or permit or encourage my child to criticize any persons including players, managers, coaches, referees or spectators at any practices, game, or DSC events.
(3) I agree that I will not coach from the sideline or the stands. I will set a good example by only speaking positively about my child’s team and teammates. I understand that only DSC appointed team coach(es) may coach at games or practices, and that the Assistant Coach may administer to the needs of the team and to help the Head Coach keep the team in order. I will stay on the side of the field opposite the players during the entire game and halftime.
(4) I will make every effort to have my child at all the practices on time as requested by the team. I will give the Head advance warning if my child can’t attend a practice or a game. I will make every effort to have my child prepared for practice/game by having his/her uniform, cleats, shin guards, ball, and water bottle.
(5) I understand the importance of respecting the judgment and expertise of my child’s coach(es) when it comes to positions and playing time.
(6) I understand that disagreements with a coach or official do not belong on the soccer field. I will raise questions, input and positive suggestions to the coach and/or DSC in an adult atmosphere
(7) I understand that if my child or I have an issue with one of the coaches or another team related matter, I will address it by observing the proper chain of communication. FIRST, I will speak with the coach, but if I am unsuccessful, then I will go to a DSC Board Member
(8) I will do my best to support the program by assisting in any volunteer capacity
The Board Members the authority to discipline, suspend or terminate the membership of any member should the conduct of such person be considered to be detrimental to the best interests of the DSC. The member will be notified in writing regarding the general nature of the charges and an appropriate meeting date to be given an opportunity to appear at the meeting to answer such charges.
It is with the spirit of cooperation and betterment of the DSC program that I willingly participate in this contract and program. It is with the continued cooperation and support of DSC parents that will facilitate the ongoing success of the program.