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Academic Policy
Teams/age group(s)
Coaching Philosophy
Number Of Players
Registration Info/Code of Conduct
Registration Fee
Uniforms & Equipment
Practice Schedule
Playing Time
Season length

Academic Policy
- Stamford Peace Basketball Club is deeply concerned with the academic performance and conduct of its players. As a condition to playing with Stamford Peace, participants are required to submit a copy of their report card or other academic progress reports, which are then reviewed to identify those in need of individualized academic support. To review the entire Academic Policy Statement read click here

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Teams/age group(s) – For  the 2015 spring/summer  season,  Stamford Peace expects to have teams for boys in the 3rd thru 11th grades and for girls in the 4th thru 11th grades.  Eligibility is determined based upon a player’s grade in school (for Spring/Summer 2015, as of August 31st), subject to certain age exceptions, which may allow a player to play at a lower grade level than his or her current grade.

Depending upon the level of interest we receive from both players and quality coaches in the area, Stamford Peace may add more or different teams and age groups as we see fit. If you have interest in a new team or age group not presently offered by Stamford Peace, please let us know. We will continue to keep you posted.

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Coaching Philosophy – Despite different coaching styles among coaches within the program, the general philosophy of Stamford Peace – focusing on high-level competition, training and instruction, with an emphasis on strong fundamentals, defensive intensity and unselfish play – plays a central role throughout the program. In addition to Coaches K and Latta, Stamford Peace is fortunate to have the involvement of numerous high-quality and experienced coaches from around Stamford and its surrounding areas.

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Tryouts – Tryouts are usually held over a 2 day period around the middle to end of January in each year. Tryouts are intended to offer our players a fair process by which coaches can evaluate skills and experience levels, as well as to assess a player's potential fit within the Stamford Peace program. The degree to which a given player may benefit from the general life skills component of our program may also be considered; however, a player’s basketball ability always remains a paramount consideration. Players are not required to attend every tryout, but may be at a disadvantage – all other things being equal – over players who have been in attendance more consistently. Players selected to make a Stamford Peace team will be notified promptly following the final tryout date for such team, at which time his or her full registration package (including a registration form, $590/$690 fee, birth certificate, and most recent school report card or other academic progress report) will be due. In Coach K’s and Coach Latta’s sole discretion, players may be invited to participate as a member of more than one team.

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Number of players
 – Generally, teams will carry no more than 10-12 players (with potential alternates being named as well), mainly to provide a reasonable cushion against a player(s) not being able to make a given game; as well as to ensure high quality competitive practices.

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Registration Info / Code of Conduct
 – Registration forms must be completed either by hand or, preferably online at Ideally, program participants will submit their fully completed registration forms prior to each team’s initial tryouts. Registration forms generally seek the following information, including: for each player, his or her name, address and telephone number(s); school and academic grade; and uniform size and number preference; as well as parent(s)’/guardian(s)’ emergency contact information. At the same time, each player must submit a copy of his or her birth certificate, and most recent school report card or other academic progress report. 

Most importantly, all players and their parents/guardians must sign a pledge confirming their willingness to adhere to (and support) all rules and responsibilities of the Stamford Peace program, including with respect to their attendance at practices and games, and exemplary conduct at school, at home and in their communities. Players who fail to honor their commitment to the program may face disciplinary action, up to and including the possibility of extra in-practice running, benching, suspension and/or full dismissal.

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Registration Fee
 – Historically, Coaches K and Latta have underwritten a majority of the costs of the Stamford Peace program, as well as for each team. While this remains the case today, each player pays a registration fee of $590 for the elementary and middle school teams and $690 for the high school teams – considerably less than the costs of comparable travel basketball programs which can charge as much as $1,200 or more per season - which helps to defray at least some of the costs of tournaments, gym rentals, uniforms, local travel, etc.  Under a unique arrangement with the Stamford Family YMCA, a small portion of player's Stamford Peace registration fee will be paid over to the YMCA in exchange for a special individual membership at the YMCA for that year. Participants in the Stamford Peace program (and their families) are expected to assist with fundraising, merchandise sales, and other solicitations to help even further defray our program costs. Stamford Peace hopes to pursue broader sponsorship opportunities from among local businesses and personal contacts within the program. If you have any suggestions with respect to sponsorship, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Uniforms and equipment 
– We hope that wearing Stamford Peace “purple - and - gold” becomes a major source of pride for all program participants. With that in mind, we have spared no expense in custom designing and purchasing professional quality home and away game uniforms (including shooting shirts) for all players. These uniforms remain on loan to all participants; players are responsible for any lost or damaged uniforms, or any uniforms that go unreturned by them at each season’s end. 

Separate practice jerseys are our gift, and may be kept for use by you in future seasons.

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Practice schedule
 – Stamford Peace teams practice at least two afternoons or evenings per week – presently, either at the Stamford YMCA, Westhill High School in Stamford, Bicultural Day School in Stamford, the Stamford Athletic Club, the Stamford Jewish Community Center and/or St. Luke's School in New Canaan. In addition, from time to time, individual coaches may schedule other practice(s) as they deem appropriate in preparation for particular games or tournaments. 

Attendance at practices is mandatory. While it is understood that scheduling conflicts or other activities or events may arise from time to time, players are responsible for notifying their coaches as far in advance as possible of any expected (or unexpected) absences. 

Consistent with Stamford Peace’s broader educational focus, participants in the Stamford Peace program are strongly encouraged to complete any homework assignments and/or other academic work prior to attending their practice on a given day. See Academic Policy Statement.

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 – Each Stamford Peace team expects to participate in somewhere between 5-8 tournaments per season – an average of three every 4-5 weeks. Most tournaments involve 3-5 weekend games; which are played at host sites throughout New England and the New York Metropolitan area. As performance merits, individual teams may enter tournament(s) beyond the Connecticut and New York regions, which could involve more significant travel and overnight stay. For example, teams that achieve success in the Connecticut State Championship and.or at 5-8 so-called Super Regional Championship tournaments will qualify for their age group’s National Championships, which usually take place at the end of June (beginning of July) at locations usually in the Midwestern or Southern region of the U.S. We will strive to get out to players and parents each team’s practice/game/tournament schedule as early in each season as possible. Schedules will also be posted to each team’s “calendar” on the Stamford Peace website.

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Playing time
 – Allocating playing time on any select team is not easy. As a general proposition, Stamford Peace coaches play those players who they believe provide their team the best opportunity for success; and who otherwise reflect the values of the Stamford Peace program in terms of attitude, commitment and talent. Nonetheless, in most games coaches do strive to get all of a team's players at least some playing time.

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Season length
 – The official AAU season typically runs from the beginning of March until the first or second week of July. In past years, Stamford Peace teams and players have sometimes participated in summer leagues, or attended summer basketball camps or clinics together. This remains a possibility for the future.

Stamford Peace also offers certain fall programming including weekly clinics and competitive "open gym" sessions, and participation in select fall tournaments.

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