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Playing with Skill, Passion and Intelligence...

Greater Boca Youth Soccer Association

<FONT COLOR="Yellow">Boca United Football Club Advanced Training Program - Overview

Soccer (or "Football" as it is called in the rest of the world) is a beautiful game when played with skill, passion, and intelligence. At the Greater Boca Youth Soccer Association (GBYSA) / Boca United FC (the “club”) we are committed to creating an environment where our club members can develop these qualities and experience all the joy that soccer has to offer them.  And that environment is created by one of the top coaching staffs in the region (CLICK HERE to see the staff).

Our club mission statement is:  To provide instructional and competitive soccer playing opportunities through specific programming designed for the individual development of our players regardless of their level of play.  

To accomplish our overall mission, the GBYSA / Boca United FC offer a variety of soccer programs, each with specific objectives and philosophies. The programs have been organized within a “pyramid” of player development under the leadership of our full time Director of Coaching and Player Development, Eric Eichmann. This “pyramid” model serves to illustrate the complete integration of our programs, all of which share the common goal of helping players to excel at any given level of play, as well as to make successful transitions from one level to the next.

Our Advanced Training Program offers the highest level of coaching and training within the club’s “pyramid” of player development. The coaching staff for this program consists strictly of independent (non-parent), professional, nationally licensed coaches, many of whom are former pro level.  The Advanced Training Program is designed for players who have developed a true passion for the game, a strong desire to learn, want high level professional coaching and instruction, are willing to work at improving their play, and are ready to learn what it really means to compete in athletics.  This Overview summarizes the goals, objectives, philosophy, and expectations for players and parents participating in the Advanced Training Program both on and off the field.

Note to Parents
: If your child has been identified by the club’s professional coaching staff and/or selected at tryouts for participation in our Advanced Training Program, please make sure that both you and your child read this program “overview” carefully. Players and parents need to know what will be expected of them as members of the program.

Advanced Training Program – Philosophy Values:

We feel that the values of respect, discipline, commitment, effort, pride, trust, unity, and developing a true love of the game are vital to the long-term success of our players and our club. The GBYSA / Boca United Football Club is committed to developing all of these qualities in our young players. We strive to develop not only brilliant young footballers on the field but responsible young people off the field.

Approach - 􀂳Club􀂴 Based versus 􀂳Team􀂴 Based:
 The GBYSA / Boca United Football Club is designed and structured to be a true professionally run youth football club. Our club model is similar to top youth football clubs from all over the world and very unlike most youth sports organizations in the United States. We place a strong emphasis on club unity and this theme is reflected in all of the club programming. In our Advanced Training Program in particular, we do not operate as a group of loosely connected teams following separate and individual agendas. Instead, we believe in adhering to a single, club-wide playing philosophy and style, which is defined by the Director of Coaching and Player Development, and rigorously implemented by all members of the club coaching staff. This helps to create a consistent learning environment throughout the program for all our players. We feel there are great advantages in developing individual players within a true “club” environment. Our emphasis on club unity will be evident in everything we do, including:

· Consistent use of our club logo and colors, gold, black, and white
· Uniform appearance of all players and staff at training sessions and games
· Players are considered members of our “club” and not any particular “team”
· Players are trained collectively by age group with movement of players from group to group
· We are one club, one club name, one family Playing Style:

Every group of players within the program will be coached and encouraged to play with skill, passion, and intelligence. We will teach a possession-oriented game of football in which we will attempt to build the ball up from the back in order to create attacks and chances to score goals. The club’s “brand” of football will be an “indirect style” of play versus the “direct style” of play utilized by most youth clubs in the United States. In short, we will avoid the random (and sometimes mindless) kicking of the ball; rather, we will encourage our players to be creative in facing the multitude of challenges that the game presents at any given time.

Our Approach to Competitive Player Development:

 We do not believe that players should be placed on a “static” team roster for one year at a time, as is the case with most youth clubs in the United States. We feel that players develop at varying rates, sometimes unevenly, and often unpredictably. Therefore, our players are NEVER simply assigned to a fixed team, but instead may be moved from group to group based on how fast they develop and how their growth compares to other club members at any particular time during the year. We believe that competitive players deserve to have an independent and professional coaching staff responsible for evaluating them at all times, in order to preserve the integrity of the environment we place them in. We believe that competitive challenges are healthy for players and enable them to grow. We can and will challenge our players by allowing them the opportunity to move from group to group, and also between different age groups, when warranted by their play.  Our goal is to create an environment that will stimulate the continued growth of our players by providing each of them with the opportunity to get to the next level of play within the club at any time. All such movement of players will be done at the sole discretion of the club’s Director of Coaching and Player Development and the club’s professional coaching staff.  We will focus our training and evaluation of our players on the four major components that make up a complete footballer:

· Technical: A player’s individual technique and comfort level on the ball under conditions of limited time, space, and increased pressure.
· Tactical: A player’s ability to make proper decisions with and without the ball, based on an understanding of basic attacking and defensive principles; a player’s ability to “read” the game properly.
· Physical: A player’s coordination, mobility, balance, speed, endurance, and strength.
· Psychological: A player’s mindset and motivation; how a player faces problems/pressures encountered both on and off the field of play and how the player chooses to deal with those problems/pressures.

Player Development versus Winning:

While we demand that our players strive to win every time they take the field for training or games, winning is NOT the primary objective for the club coaching staff. Our primary objective is centered around, and driven by, our goal of developing individual high-level players in a competitive environment. To achieve this objective, we must allow players to make mistakes even if we lose games in doing so.

This is the only way the coaching staff can analyze those mistakes, help our players correct them, and ask them to try again the next time. In short, if our players are not allowed to make mistakes then they are not allowed to develop.  We believe that winning games will ultimately be a byproduct of our ability to develop well-rounded footballers. Therefore, winning every game is not our primary objective and will NOT be how we measure our success as a club. However, there are times when winning a particular game may be beneficial for a particular age group/team or the club in general. The club coaching staff will determine which games, if any, will take on this importance and may, at their sole discretion, field what they determine to be the most effective team in certain games (league playoffs, certain tournament games, etc.) where a positive result could help push the entire age group/team or the club to another level of play. Every effort will be made to balance the good of the individual player versus the good of the entire age group/team and the club in general.

Playing Time:

In the Advanced Training Program we ask our players to compete for everything including playing time in games. The club coaching staff fully understands the
importance of players getting the opportunity to play in games and we will structure our annual game schedule to allow ample opportunities for players to play in games.
However, it is important for parents and players to understand that a player’s development takes place over the course of many months of practices, training
AND games -- not in any one particular game. Unlike our Recreational program, which is only 4 months long and playing time in all games is guaranteed, the Advanced Training Program runs year-round, with the objective of establishing a comprehensive game AND training schedule that will provide each player with plenty of playing time.

Our goal of developing individual high-level players is not dependent on playing in EVERY game, but rather on playing in MANY games. Although each player will get to play in most games, playing time is NOT guaranteed in every game. The coaching staff is nstructed to manage the playing time of each player over the course of the entire program year.

Advanced Training Program – Player Roles and Responsibilities

 At Boca United Football Club, our credo for training and competition is based on three fundamentals (‘ACE’):


 These are the three variables the player can control to set their standard of play.  Players will be expected to bring a positive attitude, good concentration, and 100% effort each time they take the field.

 During Training:

 Through training our players will develop the skill, ability, attitude, and knowledge to be an elite player. We stress that our players (not their parents) take responsibility for playing the game. We will hold players to the following guidelines:

 · Players must maintain good grades in school. Part of being a good student athlete involves getting your homework done ahead of time to allow time for football training and games. 
· Players will respect the authority of the club coaching staff, all club members, their teammates, opponents, and the game of football at all times.
· All training sessions are mandatory unless otherwise stated by the staff
· Players are expected to arrive 10-15 minutes early for training sessions.
· If the players have a conflict with training, the player (not the parent) must contact the coaching staff prior to training
· Each player must bring a properly inflated ball to every training session.
· Players must wear the official Advanced Training Program training gear (black training t-shirt and black shorts, socks, shin guards and cleats) to all training sessions.
· Practice shirts are tucked in and socks pulled up at all times.
· Foul language is prohibited.
· Players should bring an ample amount of water as part of the required player’s equipment.
· Players (not the parents) will be responsible to bring and carry all their equipment to and from the field each day.
· Players are required to assist with the collection of training equipment at the end of the session as well as cleaning up all trash.
· Players only get better by training on their own. Doing “homework” defines dedication to the game.
· There will be no parent-to-player contact from the time the training session begins until after training officially ends and the coach has released the players (except in the case of an emergency).

During Games / Matches:
In games, players have the opportunity to express themselves and showcase their skill, ability, attitude, and knowledge learned during training. We expect our players to properly prepare themselves for each game. We also expect them to conduct themselves in the proper manner during competition. We will respect all
opponents and fear none! We will hold our players to the following game-day guidelines.
· All games are mandatory.
· Players are expected to arrive no later than 45 minutes prior to a game, dressed and ready to begin warming up.
· If a player has a conflict with a game, the player (not the parent) must contact the club coaching staff prior to the game.
· Players are to wear the official club training gear for warm up (black training t-shirt and black game shorts, socks, shin guards and cleats) unless otherwise instructed by the coaching staff.
· Player (not the parent) must bring their club issued PLAYER PASS to all games. Referees will NOT allow a player to play without their player pass.
· Players must bring BOTH game jerseys (gold/black and white) for all games. Gold/Black is our primary color and should be worn for all games unless there is a conflict with the opponent and the referee requests for us to
· Game jerseys are tucked in and socks pulled up at all times.
· Player (not the parent) must bring all their equipment to every game, which includes: a properly inflated ball, full uniforms, shin guards, cleats and water

· Upon arrival at the field, players should remain together as a team, stay out of the sun, and wait for coach to instruct them when to begin the warm-up.  Running around prior to the official team warm-up should be avoided.
· Foul language is prohibited.
· Players are responsible for cleaning up the player bench area after each game, home and away.

Advanced Training Program – Parent Roles and Responsibilities

 In order to help create the proper learning environment for our club and our players, parents will be expected to follow the guidelines below. Failing to adhere to these guidelines could result in consequences with regard to your child’s status in the program.

During Training:

 The coaching staff is at work during training sessions and this time is extremely valuable.

· Parents are to remain off the training fields and in the designated area (bleachers) during all training sessions.
· There will be no parent-to-coach contact while a training session is taking place. Parents are to wait until after the training session has officially ended before communicating with the coach for any reason.  Note: Coaches will provide feedback on each player regularly throughout the year. Coaches have been instructed not to address parents regarding player issues unless and until the player has approached the coach first and the issue cannot be resolved between the player and the coach. If it becomes necessary for a parent to become involved, all discussions will be limited to their child only. At no time will the coaching staff entertain any comments, discussion, or opinions regarding any other club members.
· Parents should not shout instructions, coach, or attempt to contact their children during a training session except in the case of an emergency.

During Games / Matches:

· There will be no parent-to player-contact during the period beginning 45 minutes prior to the start of a game and ending a minimum of 15 minutes following the end of the game, or when the coach has officially released the players. The parents must remain on the opposite side of the field until the coach releases the players.
· The GBYSA / Boca United Football Club has a 48-hour rule for our parents regarding games. Parents must wait 48 hours after a game before attempting to speak with the coach or the Director of Coaching and Player

 Development regarding any problem except, of course, in the case of an emergency. This is designed to allow cooler heads to prevail in any situation that may arise during the course of a game. Please note that if this is a player issue, the player (not the parent) must attempt to discuss the problem with the coach first as noted above.

GBYSA / Boca United FC – Parent Code of Ethics

 Your child is playing soccer for fun. Please realize that everyone wants you to enjoy the game, too. Boca United Football Club has some of the most dedicated and supportive parents in the league. Our Parent Code of Ethics is being provided in an effort to assist you and your child in gaining the maximum benefit possible from the soccer match.
Below are some simple rules you should observe. Please consider them carefully.

1. Do not shout instructions to your child or attempt to coach your child during games. This will cause confusion and may result in erroneous play on your child's part. The coaching staff has instructed your child on how to play. If you shout instructions, your child will probably try to please you and the coach at the same time. In trying to do two things at once, the child will fail at both. Furthermore, your instructions may directly conflict with the goals and objectives that the coaching staff has established for that particular game.

 2. Do cheer for your child when he/she successfully plays the ball.  However, remember that your child is as member of a team. Let the other players know you support them as well. Refrain from disparaging or degrading  remarks.

 3. Suffer in silence whenever something occurs that goes against your child's team.  A display of anger may inflame an already delicate situation, resulting in embarrassment for you or your child. Some parents embarrass their own children by making a spectacle of themselves.

 4. Remember that the parents from the other team are equally enthusiastic about their team's success. Be a gracious competitor.

 5. Do not run up and down the sidelines.  Find a comfortable place to sit down or stand and enjoy the match.

 6. Do not shout insults at the referee.  In the arena that is youth soccer, referees are attempting to gain the experience they need to improve, just as our players are striving to improve their own play. The referees are learning right alongside the players. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of quality referees in our country. Therefore, in general, the level of refereeing will not be good. We expect our parents to a) recognize that this problem exists, b) anticipate poor refereeing most of the time, and c) behave courteously and with respect, nonetheless. The referee has the power to stop the match if the crowd becomes discourteous. To have been the cause of such drastic action would be a humiliation to you, your child, and the club.

 7. If your team loses, adopt a positive attitude.  Compliment the children for the good plays and ignore the mistakes. The child will be happy you noticed the good qualities. The coaching staff will work on the mistakes with the players at training.

 8. Remember -- Your child will forget about today's game.  Next week he/she will probably have forgotten the score. However, both of you will always remember if you had a good time playing the most popular sport in the world.  Absolutely no alcoholic beverages are permitted at any soccer game, home or away. No pets
are allowed at the soccer complex at any time. All non-playing children must be supervised at all times.

Contact Us

Greater Boca Youth Soccer Association / Boca United

Greater Boca Youth Soccer Association Inc., PO Box 880544
Boca Raton, Florida 33488

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 561-706-1537
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