Welcome to Phoenix/ Talent Little League.
Our online registration will begin December 17th, 2024 at 8am, and end January 31st,2025 at 8pm. Before registering, here are some FAQ's that you might have.

What divisions do you offer?
For baseball, we offer Tee ball (Co-ed), Rookies (coach pitch), Minors (player pitch), Majors (player pitch).
For softball, we offer Tee ball (Co-ed), Rookies (coach pitch), Minors (player pitch) and Majors (player pitch).
To learn more about our divisions, go to registration info, click levels of play. 

How do I know which division to sign up for?
Eligibility for divisions is based on "league age".  To calculate your players league age, click here. Please look at the National Little Leagues explanation of levels of play. Click here :Little League Baseball® Divisions.

Are there tryouts for each division?
Each player that wants to play Minors, Majors or 50/70 is required to attend a Tryout Day. We will work to get all kids in the appropriate level for their skills. We hope to allow all kids to play the requested levels, but team size requirements and availability of volunteer coaches, determine the number of teams we are able to provide.

What forms do I need to register?
Little League requires every player to show school enrollment or residency.  The simplest way to do this is through the School Enrollment Form.  Another option (which tends to be more difficult) is through the Residency Checklist.

What if I have more questions?
Please send an email to our board members at [email protected].

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