Frequently Asked Questions
1. When does the season start? Practices will start mid July and season will end around Fall Break. Start and end dates will be provided closer to the start of the season.
2. When do practices start and how often are practices? Practices will be 1-2 times a week for Flag football until games start and once games start practices can be 30 mins before games begin. For tackle football 2 times a week for 3rd&4th and 2-3 times a week for 5th&6th. For cheer 2 times a week until games start and then there will be an optional once a week practice to perfect cheers.
3. What is the cost? For Flag football it is $60. For Tackle Football and Cheer it is $120.
4. What is included in the cost? For Flag football T-shirt, helmet, and flags are provided. For tackle football jersey, helmet and shoulder pads are provided (helmet and shoulder pads will be returned at the end of season). Cheer uniform and poms are provided.
5. When will games take place? Most games will take place on Saturdays and Sundays with some occurring on a weekday towards end of season.
6. Are volunteers needed? YES!! Our league runs off parent involvement and will need help with gates, chains, and after game clean-up.
7. Have any changes been made to the program? Yes! We have changed who we will be playing so no more far away games. All games will be local (Sellersburg, Clarksville, Providence and Floyd Central). For Cheer, Cheerleaders will cheer for their age division unless a parent request otherwise.
8. If I have multiple children playing in different divisions could their be cross over for games/locations? Yes this is possible.
9. Is the Youth Football Camp a separate registration from the league? Yes, the camp is a separate registration from the league. Please see the Youth Camp Information tab to register!