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Majors Baseball Ground Rules

1. Game duration is 2:00 (2 Hours). No new inning will begin after 1:45.

A)  There will be a hard stop (finish the batter) at two hours. This is for both weekday and weekend games.

B)  Major games CAN end in a tie.

2. The Home team will keep the official book and the Visiting team will keep the official pitch count sheet. The book and pitch count sheet can be picked up at the concession stand prior to the game and should both be kept by adults OUTSIDE of the dugouts.

3. Teams will play with a continuous batting order (all players hit) and substitutions do not have to be announced to the home plate umpire. Pitching substitutions do have to be announced to the home plate umpire and to the person that is keeping the pitch count sheet.

4.      There is NO run limit per inning in Majors.

5.      Slashing is NOT allowed; batters are not allowed to show bunt and pull back and swing.

6.      If a team only has 8 players, the 9*h spot in the batting lineup will be an automatic out.

7. Pool players must start and play nine (9) consecutive outs on defense. Pool players may NOT pitch or catch and must bat at the end of the line up.

8. No more than (3) coaches in the dugout. Team mom/parents are not allowed in the dugout.


Greater Helotes Little League

Greater Helotes Little League, PO Box 968
Helotes, Texas 78023

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