Tryout information
Dates :
December 7th & 14th
**Please check out the updated dates and times below
**Player Evaluations are required for league age 7 and up
**Only one participation day of evaluations is required. Please don't participate in evaluations more than once.
**The Division you registered for may not be the Division the player is drafted in.
Equipment swap information:
In the spirit of reduce-reuse-and-recycle in our baseball community, we are organizing a “gently used gear swap”. If your kid(s) have outgrown their uniform components: pants, belts, cleats, gloves, catcher’s gear, bats, etc. ; we’d love to give them a new lease on life with a new family who can use them. Similarly, we hope you can find gear that your kid(s) can use this season. This is for all age groups.
Player Evaluation Information:
Steve Carli Park
1045 Los Padres Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95052
The age and times posted below are for league age. Please see the chart at the bottom to determine your league age.
Major Field:
League Age 12: 9 -10:30 am
League Age 11: 10:45 -12:15 pm
League Age 10: 12:30 - 2:00 pm
Farm Field:
League Age 9: 9 - 10:30 am
League Age 8: 10:45 -12:15 pm
League Age 7: 12:30 - 2:00 pm
Step 1 — Arrive 20-30 Mins Prior To Your Tryout Time.
When you arrive you will approach the snack shack to verify registration*. There you will receive your tryout number and then walk on over to the field designated by your players age. Your tryout will begin promptly at the designated time.
*Please note that all players need to be registered prior to tryout.
Step 2 — Don’t Blow It . . . (I’m Talking To Parents)
The pressure is not on your kid, it’s on you — be the biggest positive-influence on and off the field. If they didn’t tryout well and they ask you what you thought — tell them the truth — “I love watching you play.”
“But I whiffed on every pitch.”
“We can always get better . . . my joy comes from watching you do your best.”
As guardian of your child’s galaxy this is a moment to celebrate. Ease the pain with a Slurpee and have a cool chat about the experience.
From the LL website,
“A solid piece of parental advice is to remember that your player will not be in mid-season form. When quietly watching your son or daughter, have realistic expectations and remind them to do the same. Reserve any judgments and do not criticize their performance. Remember, it is a long season, so start it off right with a high-five, pat on the back, and “good job” regardless of how your child performs at tryouts.”
Confidence is believing you can do something you just failed at. Nothing teaches confidence like baseball.
Frequently Asked Question
How should I prepare?
Your child will be fielding ground balls and fly balls. They will also take a few swings at the plate from our coaches. Check out your equipment this week of to make sure it still fits. Loosen up the glove with some glove oil if it’s stiff. Get there early enough to warm up their arm and maybe take a few grounders in the grass. It also helps to watch the round before yours so they can anticipate what they are going to be asked to do. Most importantly be positive.