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Board of Directors Meetings

While our Board of Directors does not meet on an established schedule (such as the first Tuesday of the month), they do meet regularly and formally. Meetings will advertised, noticed, and conducted in open forum (unless otherwise explicitly stated and noticed) and our Board welcomes any and all interested parties to attend. If you plan on attending, please contact us in advance so we can ensure appropriate venue.

Statements of Financial Position

2023 Annual Budget Forecast - 2022_2023_expenditures_worksheet.xlsx

Joining the Board of Directors for CL

The success of our league is heavily driven by the number of committed volunteers we have. As children graduate from Little League each season, we lose some of our parents that have been volunteering in our league. When Board members transition out, it’s helpful to have someone with experience ready to step in to make the change seamless. If you choose not to seek a Board position for the upcoming season, consider apprenticing a current Board member or being an At-Large member of the board. While volunteering in Little League can be extremely worthwhile and gratifying, its is the kids who will benefit most. If you have interest in joining the board of directors, please e-mail [email protected].

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