News Detail


Oct, 2024

Skills and Drills Date - Set for 2025

Skills and Drills Day is Sunday, February 23 beginning at 1pm.  It is important that you make every effort to attend skills and drills so that we may properly draft and place teams to be the most equitable to all teams and divisions of play.  Please note that the Tee Ball division does NOT have skills and drills day.  We only have enough players for one junior baseball team and one junior/senior softball team, so they will not have skills and drills.  Those groups will have to play interleague and your coach will be in touch in a few days.

Schedule will be posted in mid-February.

In case of inclement weather, the schedule may have to adjust, so please keep an eye on all ESLL social media as we get closer to the 2/23/2025 date.  Thanks.

Local Sponsors

East Surry Little League

East Surry Little League, PO Box 1515
Pilot Mountain, North Carolina 27041

Email: [email protected]