Executive Board of Directors:
Lauren Ware - President - [email protected]
Mike Nhean - 1st Vice President - [email protected]
Lesley Martinez - 2nd Vice President - [email protected]
Nadia Martinez - Secretary - [email protected]
Katy Jouganatos - Player Agent - [email protected]
Jennifer Flores - Treasurer - [email protected]
Misael Hernandez - Umpire in Charge (UIC) - [email protected]
Valarie Barbosa - Safety Officer - [email protected]
Board of Directors/Members:
Brenda Pecina - Concession Stand Manager
Andrew Pruett - Equipment Manager
Chris Vega - Eastside Coaches Coordinator
Hannah Rohani - Westside Coaches Coordinator
Marilyn Medrano - Rental Coordinator
DeAsia Manago - Social Media/Marketing Coordinator
Keely West - Team Parent Liaison
Britney Womble - Scheduler
Ricky Barron - Groundskeeper
Daniel Rodriguez - Assistant Groundskeeper
Norma Bonica - Auxiliary
Erlinda Longoria - Auxiliary
If you would like to join the Board, please fill out the Board Application below and send it to westoakslittleleague@gmail.com.
woll board application.pdf
Vacant Positions