Executive Director: Matt Lodi - [email protected]
Assistant Executive Director: Joe Landry
Treasurer: Arthur Kelleher
Secretary: Nick Wilson
Commissioner of Baseball: Michael Lawrence - [email protected]
Commissioner of Softball: Mike Tatian - [email protected]
Director of Majors/AAA: Matt Homer
Director of Babe Ruth: Jeff Aronis
Director of Double A: David Hiller
Director of Single A: Dan Gaffney
Director of T-Ball: Ben McBride
Director of Senior Softball: Meredith Shaw
Director of Junior Softball: Tina Ahern
Director of Beginner Softball: Laura Kazanovicz
Coordinator of Registration: Jeff Egnaczyk
Coordinator of Communication: Caroline Egnaczyk
Player Agent Baseball: Andy Bostian
Player Agent Baseball: Caleb Charette
Player Agent Softball: Kate Auerbach
Player Agent Softball: Matt Douglas
Umpire in Chief: Rick Slattery
Special Events Coordinator: Anthony Humeniuk
Director: Billy Wright
Director: Marty Walsh