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Ellwood City Amateur Baseball Federation (Recreational League)

Volunteer Opportunities

ECABF is a Volunteer Organization. To make an organization this size meet the needs of our kids, many hands to complete many tasks are needed. If each family puts in a little time, then we have an organization that everyone enjoys. 

Volunteer opportunities include working the Concession Stand, Coaching, working Opening Day, working a Field Day, and Fundraiser Distribution. 

With that, at least two volunteers are needed at each of the concession stands, during each game, almost every day of the week. We will have both Freidhoff, Rosannah, and possibly Sheeler Field Concessions open this season.
Please sign up online at SignUp to fulfill your volunteer fee. 

You will have until the EC Little League Tournament (the last event of the Spring season) to have the opportunity to regain your volunteer fee, however DO NOT WAIT, the volunteer fee does not rollover to the Fall season; as there is no guarantee the Concession Stand will be open during the Fall season.

If you have any issues signing up or would like to offer your time, please contact Jody Welsh - Fundraiser Coordinator - 724-709-1112 - [email protected]

*Important Note to Volunteers:* 

Each family will be charged a $75 volunteer fee upon registration. Once you have completed your volunteer work, please be sure to sign the volunteer sheet at the place in which you’re volunteering. This is the list that is used to refund your volunteer fee. 

Your volunteer fee will be refunded back onto the credit card you used to pay for registration approximately 3-4 weeks after you have volunteered. [Coaching volunteer fees will be refunded after a coach completes the season]

If you have questions about your refund, please contact Jeremy Honsaker - ECABF Treasurer - 724-494-1682 - [email protected]

Concession Stand Sign-Ups : Regular Season
All-Star Tournament Concession Stand Sign-Ups


Ellwood City Amateur Baseball Federation

ECABF (Recreational League), 205 William St
Wampum, Pennsylvania 16157

Email: [email protected]

Contact Us

Ellwood City Amateur Baseball Federation

ECABF (Recreational League), 205 William St
Wampum, Pennsylvania 16157

Email: [email protected]

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