
Tee-Ball (Coed): (League Age 4 to 6)

Tee Ball is for boys and girls 4 to 6 years old who want to learn the fundamentals of hitting and fielding. In Tee Ball, players hit a softer safety ball off a batting tee. Rules of the game may be varied to accommodate the need for teaching and should focus on fun, fitness, and fundamentals. The primary goals of Tee Ball are to instruct children in the fundamentals of baseball/softball and to allow them to experience the value of teamwork. No live pitching is permitted in this division. Games & practices are 1 to 1.5 hours, generally twice per week.

There are no preseason evaluations at this level and teams are assigned with a focus having balanced teams based on age and gender. Parents may request to be on a team with specific coaches or teammates and we will try to honor requests. There is no need to purchase baseball pants for games - sweatpants/athletic style pants are fine for games. 

To play tee ball, players must turn 4 by April 1st.  

Required equipment: A baseball glove.

Non required equipment (Parent's discretion): Personal bat, cleats, batting helmet. 

Machine Pitch Baseball and Softball: (League Age 6 to 8)

Machine Pitch is the first time players will be able to hit live pitching, using a pitching machine. A regulation ball is also used for the first time. The velocity of the pitches is generally 36‐42 mph, with placement of the pitches down the middle of the plate. There is an increased focus on playing a ‘real’ game, with defensive positioning reinforced and innings potentially ending based on 3 outs being achieved as opposed to batting through an entire order. Strikeouts may occur after a certain number of pitches (generally 5‐6) which prepares the players for the player pitch division in future years. Coaches keep scores, and league standings are kept. Games & practices are scheduled for 1.5 ‐ 2 hours, up to three days per week.

There are no preseason evaluations at this level and teams are assigned with a focus on balanced teams based on age and experience. Parents may request to be on a team with specific coaches or teammates and we will try to honor requests.

Required equipment: A baseball/softball glove.

Non required equipment (Parent's discretion): Personal bat, cleats, batting helmet, uniform pants.

Minors Baseball and Softball: (League Age 8 to 10) and Majors Baseball and Softball: (League Age 10 to 12)

Minors (sometimes called Junior Majors or Little Majors at other Little Leagues) and Majors are player‐pitch environments. This is ‘real’ baseball/softball, in the sense that a formal 9 (sometimes 10 in Minors) player positional alignment is utilized, the official Little League rule book is enforced, umpires are present to control the action and scores & standings are kept. Although these divisions operate with increased competitiveness, there is very much still a focus on personal development and encouragement. ELL coaches are encouraged to rotate positions and batting orders to ensure all players receive opportunities to bat near the top of the lineup and to play various infield and outfield positions.

All participants are required to participate in a skills evaluation and teams are drafted with the goal of even talent distribution. We will not honor coach and teammate requests. Please note that it is Edwardsburg Little League policy that all league age 8-year-olds (wanting to "play up" from Machine Pitch) may play in the Minors division and 10-year-olds (wanting to "play up" from Minors) may play in the Majors division.  Per Little League rules, 10-year-olds may play in both divisions if needed and are eligible for either division All Star teams.

Games & practices are scheduled for 1.5 ‐ 2 hours, up to three days per week. Depending upon the number of registered players, there is the possibility that the both divisions will have inter league play, with some games against other local little leagues, both home and away.

Required equipment: A baseball/softball glove, cleats, uniform pants (we recommend grey).

Non required equipment (Parent's discretion): Personal bat, batting helmet.

Intermediate Baseball i.e. 50/70: (League Age 13)

Intermediate baseball, also known as 50/70, utilizes a 50‐foot pitching distance and 70‐foot base paths. The division offers a transition for players between the standard Little League field size (46‐foot pitching distance and 60‐foot base paths) and the Junior/Senior/Big League field size (60‐foot, 6‐inch pitching distance and 90‐foot base paths). New concepts introduced for the first time include runners being permitted to lead off bases and attempt a straight steal, on‐deck batters and various others.

Team selection process is entirely dependent upon the number of registered players. Please note that it is Edwardsburg Little League’s policy that league age 12-year-olds may ‘play up’ in the 50/70 division if their skills evaluation indicates they will be able to effectively compete.

Games & practices are scheduled for 1.5 ‐ 2 hours, up to three days per week. Intermediate baseball will have inter league play, with some games against other local little leagues, both home and away.

Required equipment: A baseball glove, cleats, uniform pants (we recommend grey).

Non required equipment (Parent's discretion): Personal bat, batting helmet.

Juniors/Seniors Baseball and Softball: (League Age 14 to 16)

Regular baseball/softball rules and field dimensions apply to both divisions.

Required equipment: A baseball/softball glove, cleats, uniform pants (we recommend grey).

Non required equipment (Parent's discretion): Personal bat, batting helmet.

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