Are there tryouts to make a team?
- No. In some cases where we have a large number of athletes on one level we may split into 2 teams.
How many players are allowed on a team?
- Our goal is to have between 18-22 athletes per team. This may vary depending on the number of athletes at each level.
Does everyone play?
- Yes. Each athlete will receive playing time Pop Warner has a strict mandatory play rule for all athletes regardless of skill level.
Can athletes still participate if the paperwork is not turned in prior to the first practice?
- No. An athlete will not be allowed to practice until all paperwork is handed in.
Where, When and How often is football practice?
- Practices will be held at Hampshire Middle School.
- Practice begins August 1st
- Teams will practice 4-5 days a week prior to the start of school.
- Teams will practice 3 days a week once School has started.
- Practice times are usually 6-8pm but may vary based on coaches schedule.
How many practices must an athlete attend to play in a game?
What equipment is needed?
- Football Cleats, mouth guard, custom chin straps, and a water bottle (2 qt).
How do the athletes get to the away games?
- HYF&C does not supply transportation to any games. It is up to the parents to arrange all transportation.
When will I know what team my athlete will be on?
- The second week of practice.
How do I get directions to away games?
- Maps can be found on our website.
What if my athlete is injured during a game or practice?
- All of our coaches and team moms attend a CPR and First Aid certification class annually.
When are the games?
- Saturday or Sunday depending on the team your athlete is placed on.