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What to Expect

Plainfield Youth Soccer has two seasons a year.

Our Spring Season is played from the end of April to the middle of June (7 weeks total), with no games being played Memorial Day weekend.

Our Fall Season is played from the beginning of September until to beginning of November (8 weeks total), with no games being played Columbus Day weekend.

Our club is run ENTIRELY by volunteers and therefore practices are scheduled based off of each coach's availability. Field availability also limits our practice days and times. We can not give you specific days and times each team practices until the season is close to starting, however, we can say that practices will not begin before 5pm and most are over by 7pm (some older teams have longer practices and this is reflected in their practice times).

All GAMES are played on Saturdays unless otherwise noted in your child's schedule. Please be patient with coaches at the beginning of the season. Our club is apart of a league made of various towns in NE CT. We collectively work together to make schedules and changes happen regularly. Because of this, schedules are often delayed in getting out. Please be assured that when schedules are available, they will get out to you! Just keep in mind your player's game time and be sure to keep a window of time before it open in case it is an away game!!

Games are as follow:

Peanuts (3 & 4 year old players) - NO WEEKLY PRACTICE!! Peanuts play for a total of ONE HOUR a week from 9:30AM to 10:30AM. They begin with 30 minutes of learning basic skills and lessons. This is followed by a 3v3 game against one of our other Peanut teams.
U6 - ONE hour long practice a week, games are played from 8:30AM-9:30AM on Saturday mornings
U8 - TWO hour long practices a week, games are played at 1:30PM on Satuday afternoon
U10 - TWO hour long practices a week, games are played at 10:45AM on Saturday mornings
U12 - TWO hour long practices a week, games are played at 9:00AM on Saturday mornings (Some Friday night games depending on opponent and season)
U14 - TWO hour (to 1 1/2 hours) practices a week, games are played at 12:30PM on Saturday afternoons
U18 - (Spring season only) TWO hour long practices a week (sometimes 1 1/2 hours), games are played at 3:30PM on Saturday afternoon

Changes to schedules do happen!! This is to give all parents and players an idea of what to expect. We understand schedules fill fast and children are often involved in more than one activity.

We are a recreational club and therefore treat all players equally. All players will have the opportunity to have the same amount of "field time" as the others on their team. We encourage all players to attend as many practices as possible, however, practice time DOES NOT determine Game Time. Coaches play the players who are ready and wanting to play.

(Please understand there are times when coaches will ask players to go out on the field and the player simply does not want to. Talk to your child's coach after the game if you have concerns about your child's playing time!)


P.o Box 215 
Central Village, Connecticut 06322
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