The Plainfield Youth Soccer encourages healthy
competition and insists on good sportsmanship, please help us support a positive and healthy environment for all our participants. We ask that all our players, parents and fans observe the
following field rules.
Let the players play, the coaches coach, referees call the game and spectators enjoy!
* Please Note: The fields our youth play on are subject to rules from the Town and the School and we do not have
authority to change these rules. We are strictly enforcing what is asked of our Club in order to obtain use of these fields.
- No smoking or tobacco products of any kind
- No drinking or consuming of alcoholic beverages
- No firearms or weapons of any kind
- No profanity
- No gambling or betting
- No arguing with fans, referee, coaches or parents
- No rude or abrasive behavior
- No dogs or pets of any kind
- No littering
- No throwing objects on to the field
Non-observance of these rules may result in ejection from the field at the direction of our board members
Please help recycle and help protect the environment and keep our facility clean