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Coaches Code of Conduct

Hokey A. A.  established a mission statement as it relates to the game of football. Coaches are expected to abide by this as well as this code of conduct as set forth…

With regard to my players:

I believe that my role as a coach is to contribute to the overall success, physical, and athletic growth of the player through participation in football.

·         I will endeavor to be a good instructor and a positive role model for my players.

·         I believe that the score of a game comes second to the safety and welfare of all my players.

·         I will endeavor to put winning in its proper perspective.

·         I am responsible for understanding and competing within the letter and the spirit of the rules of the Game.

·         I will teach my players to understand and play within the letter and spirit of the rules, as well.

With regard to opposing teams:

I believe that the way my team conducts itself can also have an influence, for better or worse, on those we compete against.

·         I will endeavor to make my team a positive role model.

·         I will not coach, nor allow my players to play, with intent to cause injury to opposing players.

·         Neither I nor my players and spectators will display hostile behavior towards opposing players.

·         Neither I nor my players and spectators will speak in a negative manner toward any member or spectator from the opposing team.

·         I will emphasize winning without boasting and losing without bitterness.

With regard to Referees:

·         I believe that Referees, just as coaches and players, are attempting to do their best.

·         I will instill in my players and spectators a respect for that fact.

·         I understand that my attitude can influence my players and spectators.

·         I will display a controlled and undemonstrative attitude toward Referees at all times.

·         Neither I nor my players and spectators will address a Referee before, during or after the game in a demeaning fashion.

Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players and the spectators on their side of the field, specifically as it relates to the referees, coaches, players and spectators on the other team. Verbal and/or physical abuse will not be tolerated. Any coach showing this type of behavior may be suspended for a minimum of one (1) game. If players and/or coaches conduct is not in the spirit of recreational football the referee can have the player and/or coach leave the game for a cooling off period. The same conduct rule applies to spectators. If the cooling off period does not resolve the problem, the person(s) may be asked to leave the field and/or grounds. Coaches should avoid approaching a referee or stepping on to the field to challenge a call in a demeaning way. They may be asked to leave the game and the incident will be presented to the board to be reviewed. I further understand that my failure to abide by this code of conduct may result in disciplinary action by the league which may include but is not limited to game suspension and/or my rights to participate as a coach for Hokey A.A.


Hokey Athletic Association

3151 Lehigh Street 
Whitehall, Pennsylvania 18052

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 610-737-9681

Contact Us

Hokey Athletic Association

3151 Lehigh Street 
Whitehall, Pennsylvania 18052

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 610-737-9681

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