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Oregon Youth Soccer Association COVID-19 Information

Key Guidelines for Players, Coaches and Parents, per OHA & OYSA Mandates (Updated 12/1/20):

  • Face coverings are required at all times, prior, during, and after the match, and must be worn over the nose and mouth.
  • Cannot enter the field area until previous teams have left the field. Remain in your car until you see that the previous teams have left the field.
  • Hand shakes, high fives, fist/elbow bumps, chest bumps, and group celebrations are prohibited.
  • NO SPECTATORS at any games or practices. Parents, guardians, or spectators are NOT allowed to be at the field in counties that are in High or Extreme Risk. Families will be notified when this restriction is lifted (Streaming will be provided when possible via MyCujoo).
  • Player drop off: 

o U11 to U14 teams may drop off no earlier than 20 minutes prior to kickoff.
o U15 to U19/20 teams may drop off no earlier than 30 minutes prior to kickoff.
o May be different at different fields, so please check prior to the game.

  • Player pick up:

o All players must leave the facility within 5 minutes of the game ending.
o No congregating.

  • Statewide, if the parent chooses to remain on-site, must remain in the parking area of the field or park, preferably in your car.

o Do not park in fire lanes or other spots not designated for parking.


COVID-19 Response


Southside Soccer Club Feb 8, 2021

Southside Soccer Club is prepared to launch the following Return to Play protocol for soccer activities in the State of Oregon. We have a dedicated staff of directors and coaches who are prepared to follow our RTP protocol. Additionally, we will be supplying an on- site Covid-19 Compliance Coordinator located at Southside Soccer Club fields.

The health and safety of our players, coaches, and Southside SC families take priority in our club’s decisions in returning to play. While orders from Governor Brown to prevent the spread of COVID19 remain in place, Southside SC has created a list of precautions and processes to be implemented once practices are allowed to resume.

These protocols have been developed in consultation with the Oregon Youth Soccer Association (OYSA). Given the fluidity of the current situation these protocols do not have a set duration, but the club will adhere to the recommendations of public health officials and make adjustments when needed.

We also recognize that each family has a different situation that may influence their desire to return to play. We want to make it clear that it is ultimately each family’s decision for when they feel comfortable having their player return to the field. Players will not be penalized for not attending trainings, so families should feel free to make the best decision for their unique situation.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the members of the Return to Play Medical Committee at [email protected] with the subject ATTN: COVID-19

SOUTHSIDE SC Return to Play Plan PHASE I - Initial Phase


  1. Participants must be healthy and free of symptoms in order to participate.

All participants - coaches, players, volunteers, and staff - must be free of a cough and/or fever above 100.4 degrees and otherwise symptoms free for the last 72 hours and at least 14 days from any onset of symptoms. Anyone who is exhibiting these symptoms during training will be asked to return home.

Parents will be asked to sign a waiver on behalf of their child in order to participate that indicates their child is not sick or has not had contact with someone with Covid19. A current waiver must be on file for participation. This waiver is also an “Assumption of Risk”.

Coaches and staff will take each player’s temperature before training begins and upon arrival be asked the following questions and respond negatively in order to train

    Hand Washing and sanitizing of equipment

    Coaches and players will be asked to sanitize their hands before and after every training. Players are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer. We will have some additional hand washing stations/sanitizer available at the field.

    Our office will be cleaned and disinfected daily. To limit traffic in the office we ask that members enter the office only for official business with staff.

    Training will occur in small groups with adequate space.

    No more than one group will be on each quarter of a field at a time.

    Limiting of touching of equipment

    There will be no sharing of equipment in this phase. Coaches will be the only ones touching cones, goals, etc. This equipment will be sanitized by staff before and after every training session.

    Players will have their own area for their personal equipment such as a ball, water bottle (no sharing of water bottles), and backpack. These will be marked and spaced out appropriately.

    All players and staff will maintain minimum 6ft distancing

    Players will not be allowed to touch. No handshakes, high fives, huddles, etc.

    Lines of players will maintain appropriate social distancing.

    Volunteers and team managers will be utilized to help ensure players and any spectators are maintaining 6ft distancing throughout each training session.

    Protective Equipment

    Coaches not actively coaching will be required to wear a facemask.


    ·      During all training times, the club will have a person in charge on site. This may be a director or board member or volunteer who has been trained on all the policies in this document and will ultimately be responsible for making sure the policies are implemented.

    ·      All players will enter the fields at Cook Park from the parking lot to the south of the fields. We will have one entrance for each of our three fields on the south side. Players will only be allowed on the field though the specific entrance assigned to their field. All players will exit the east side of the fields on SW 92nd AVE.

    ·      Groups will have 5 minutes to clear out after their session. All players must be off of the field before the next group arrives and no players will be allowed on the field until the previous group has cleared the field and the coached and staff have had the opportunity to sanitize equipment.

    ·      No carpooling unless it is with someone who lives in the same household.

    ·      Parents are strongly encouraged to stay in their cars while the training is happening. In cases where it is necessary for a parent to be nearby, spectators must all observe 6ft distancing. Only one spectator is allowed per player, and spectators must stay outside of the fence.

    ·      Signage will be displayed upon arrival and players will be asked to wash their hands/use hand sanitizer. We will have handwashing stations available.

    ·      We strongly encourage players to use the restroom before arriving at practice to limit the number of people entering this shared space.


    Here is how our club will be prepared for a case of COVID19 within our club

    1.   The club will keep a log of all people entering the complex to aid contact tracing if necessary. Coaches will take attendance at every training session

    2.   Parents and staff should report to the club if any of the situations below happens:

    ·      The player or staff member has a fever

    ·      The player or staff member is sick with symptoms of COVI-19 but has not yet been tested or the test has not come back yet

    ·      The player or staff member has tested positive for COVID-19

    ·      The player or staff member has been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID19

    3. Maintaining confidentiality is important. Families can inform the club in one of the following ways:

    ·       Tell your coach or team manager, and they will refer to the Director of Coaching

    ·       Call the office at 503-968-7197.

    ·       Send an email to [email protected] with the subject ATTN: COVID-19

    4. If needed, Southside Soccer Club will communicate any necessary Information to OYSA and Southside Soccer Club members in a way that ensures confidentiality.


    1.   For coaches and staff

    Coaches and staff members will undergo training in the following document before being allowed on the field.

    In addition, coaches will be provided with weekly training sessions from the Director of Coaching that are in compliance with COVID-19 restrictions on social distancing.

    2.   For parents and families

    SOUTHSIDE SC will post the COVID-19 policies on our website.

    Coaches will be asked to have a team meeting outlining these policies before training session occurs.

    Families will be required to sign an Assumption of Risk waiver in order to participate.


    Coaches - as we transition to returning to play, the health and safety of our staff, our players, and our families is our top priority. We will be adopting the following protocol as we take the field. These do not have a set timeline, and we will make adjustments as the situation changes.

    1. Stay home if you are sick.

    All participants - coaches, players, volunteers, and staff - must be free of a cough and/or fever above 100.4 degrees for the last 72 hours and at least 14 days from any onset of symptoms.

    Please take your temperature daily. If you have a cough or a fever over 100.4 degrees, please report that to Duccio Tagliaferri as soon as possible so that we can make arrangements for another coach to take your training session.

    You will not be able to return to training until you are symptom free for 72 hours and it has been at least 14 days from the onset of your symptoms.

    2. Report any of the following as soon as possible to Duccio Tagliaferri or Jen Tagliaferri

    Parents and staff should report to the club if any of the situations below occur:

    • You or any of your players have a fever and/or a cough
    • You are sick with symptoms of COVID-19 but has not yet been tested or the test results have not come back yet
    • You have tested positive for COVID-19
    • You have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19

    3. Bring your own hand sanitizer

    Sanitize your hands before and after every training. We will have some additional hand sanitizer at the fields.

    4. You will be responsible for taking attendance via teamsnap

    Please take attendance at your session. Players who are not on your list will not be able to participate.

    5. Do not allow players to touch/share practice equipment

    For the time being, you will need to set up and pick up your own cones, small goals, and ball bags. Limit the amount of equipment players will be touching.

    Please do not use your scrimmage vests. Ask your players to each bring a light and a dark shirt.

    6. Tell your players to avoid touching

    No handshakes, high fives or huddles. You will need to both model and remind your players of this.

    7. As much as possible maintain distance between you and players during training.

    This means that you should limit the number of activities that you are doing that require players to gather in small spaces. If players need to be in lines, have them maintain 6ft distance.

    8. Coaches must wear a mask if not actively coaching

    9. Be positive and enjoy being on the field!

    This will be a big adjustment, but let’s be thankful that we do get to return to play. The better we do with these practices as a club, the quicker we can return to normal. Thank you for all you are doing!












    ·      notify club/coach if your player becomes sick



    ·      wash/sanitize your hands before and after each training

    ·      do not share water bottles or equipment

    ·      respect and practice physical distancing

    ·      no high fives, knuckles, handshakes or hugs

    ·      have fun





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