Welcome to the NASA Tophat Boys Soccer website!



 For players born in:
 2008 & 2009 (U14)
 2006 & 2007 (U16)
 2003-2005 (U19)

 Spring 2022 Session Dates
Session 1:  March 5 
 Session 2:  March 12
 Session 3:  March 19
 Session 4:  March 26
 Session 5:  April 16

Session 6:  April 23
 Session 7:  April 30 (make up if needed)
 Session 8:  May 7
Session Day, Times and Duration:

Practices:  To be determined by NASA Tophat staff. Each team will practice 2 days Monday through Friday.

Weekend Games:  
Schedules are released approximately two weeks prior to the start of league play. There are no "set" times for games. They may vary from week to week. Season could be extended by 1-2 weeks due to weather or the number of teams in your division.

The Under 14, 16 and 19 age groups will likely contain a mix of beginners along with players that have been exposed to soccer through their club, school or friends.  Players will learn more about the rules of the game, fundamentals, positional play and teamwork.  The emphasis of recreational soccer at these ages is player development with healthy competition.  Winning is not the primary objective.  Teams will play RILS (rec interleague schedules) where GYSA provides their game schedules against other RILS teams.
The blue/white uniform kit with clima lite jerseys can be purchased during the registration process.  Players should wear cleats or tennis shoes.
Cost is $175.00 per player and $45 for the uniform kit (uniform price does not include taxes and shipping).

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