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Woodstown Soccer Club

Frequently Asked Questions

What forms do we need to sign to start the season?

Sign all these forms and return them to your coach. 
wsc waiver-covid19.pdf
wsc return to play.pdf

Read and review with your child - code of conduct.pdf

Uniform Size Guide 

Frequently Asked Questions about WSC Uniforms

The Fall 2020 will be the first year of the 2-3-year uniform cycle.  Uniforms purchased will be used for the Fall and Spring Soccer seasons. WSC will continue to use this style of uniform until the supplier discontinues the uniform (usually every 2-3 years). WSC uniforms are one of the most affordable Adidas styles and consists of a Home jersey (orange Adidas miSuadra 17 Jersey) an Alternate jersey (blue Badger C2 Performance Tee), shorts (Adidas miSquadra 17 Shorts), and socks (Adidas Metro IV OTC). The Alternate is the same this year as last year's uniform and does not need to be repurchased unless it no longer fits.

Q: When do I have to buy a new uniform for my child?

A: Uniforms must be purchased for the 2020 Fall season.  You must purchase a uniform for your child for the Fall of 2020 by June 15th.  This will be the first year of a 2-3-year cycle for this uniform. Everyone will need to purchase the required uniform regardless if you are new or returning to WSC.  

Q: Why isn’t a uniform provided with my child’s registration fee?

A: The uniform does not change every year so we can reuse them as much as possible. If bought big enough you can use them for 2-3 years and only rebuy specific pieces as needed. 

Q: The uniforms have only changed slightly from Spring 2020 season; can my child wear that uniform if it still fits?

A: uniforms have changed more than slightly. SJSL and SJGSL stipulate teams must have matching uniforms with numbers to identify players. Any variations are not allowed. If a child does not match their team they cannot play. The Alternate jersey is the same this year as last year's uniform and does not need to be repurchased unless it no longer fits. 

Q: When I order my child’s uniform, how do I know what number is on the uniform, and are they able to have the number that they want?

A: Your child’s coach will reach out to you regarding your desired number. The coach will then contact the uniforms coordinator to determine availability. The uniform coordinator will notify the uniform supplier as to the agreed upon number.  

Q: Why did you decide it was a good time to purchase a new uniform given all the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19?

A: The vendor discontinued the current uniform last year.  The WSC had enough in stock to get through the Spring 2020 season.  Every 2-3 years, the vendors that provide uniforms discontinues the style which forces the club to purchase new uniforms.  The Woodstown Soccer Club must abide by South Jersey Soccer League Rules and each player must be wearing matching uniforms or the player cannot play.

Q: Will I be reimbursed for a uniform purchased if the Fall 2020 season is cancelled due to COVID-19?

A: Uniforms should be sized to fit for approximately 2-3 years (i.e. Order big). The same uniform can be used in the following Spring 2021 and Fall 2021 season, if not longer.