Jun, 2020
As a result of COVID-19, we have established the following safety protocols:
Camp Protocol and Rules
Temperatures will be taken of all athletes, staff and coaches before anyone can participate.
Equipment will be disinfected before, during and after activities.
Coaches have been trained and educated in all safety practices recommended by the CDC.
Coaches will regularly communicate and monitor developments with local authorities, employees, and families regarding cases, exposures, and updates to policies and procedures.
We will limit the number of spectators at the venue by asking that parents/guardians remain in the car.
Staff, parents and participants will be required to stay home if they or anyone they have come in contact with is sick.
Athlete Responsibilities
Wash hands thoroughly before and after training.
Bring and use your own hand sanitizer at every training.
Encouraged to wear a mask before and immediately after all training.
Do not touch or share anyone else’s equipment, water, snack, or bag.
Practice social and physical distancing, place bags, and equipment at least 6 feet apart.
Wash and sanitize all equipment before and after every training.
Each player is required to bring their own water bottle.
No group celebrations, no high 5’s, hugs, handshakes, fist-bumps, etc.
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
Ensure the child is healthy, check your child’s temperature prior to any Session.
Parents must remain in their cars during Sessions.
Notify All-In Athletics immediately if your child becomes ill for any reason.
Be sure your child has the necessary sanitizers with them.
You must sign up online and sign and agree to the online waiver before returning to play.
Inform the Company of any symptoms of COVID-19 that develop within fourteen (14) days of the last day of Athlete’s last Session.