Clear Fork Youth Soccer League is a recreational soccer league that is devoted to the enjoyment and development of soccer players without the emphasis of high level competition all the while focusing on teamwork and fun.
Eligible ages to register for the 2020/2021 are based on the year of birth;
Division Birth Year(s)
Under 5 In-House Coed 2016
Under 6 In-House Coed 2015
Under 8 AYSA/CFYSL 2014 & 2013
Under 10 AYSA/CFYSL 2012 & 2011
Under 12 AYSA CFYSL 2010 & 2009
Jr. High AYSA/CFYSL 2008, 2007 & 2006(NOT in High School)
If you have any questions about registration or if you are interested in becoming a volunteer or coach, please direct your questions to the league registrar at
[email protected]Please note once registration is completed there will be NO Refunds given.