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Become a Referee

The Skagit Valley Soccer Referee's Association (SVSRA) was incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1994 for the purpose of representing, controlling, promoting and teaching soccer refereeing within the association. We also try to unify referees in our goals of promoting soccer refereeing in the greater Skagit Valley. We hope to provide means for our members to improve the quality of soccer refereeing, and foster pride and cooperation within our membership.

We will try to post information about upcoming Referee clinics here as we find out about them.

-- Skagit Valley Soccer Referees Assn. typically hosts a New Referee Clinic to train/certify new referees in May and again in August. The next local clinic will be posted here just as soon as information becomes available. If you ever had any thoughts about becoming a soccer referee, then this is where you get the training to start out.

If you have attended your kid's game and watched the coaches act as Referees, it is because we need more active Referees.

Perhaps you have attended games and thought "boy, that ref made some terrible calls...I could have done better than that". Well, we would like to offer you the opportunity to do exactly that.

Perhaps you have had to attend multiple games, with spare time in between, and wondered "Gee, how am I going to kill 2 hours before the next game?". Well, if you were a referee, you may not have to wonder any more (and you could end up getting paid for the wait).

Is your youth soccer player looking for a great way to earn some money, while learning the game that they love from a whole different perspective? Becoming a soccer referee offers a way to do this, and still maintain a flexible schedule for school and playing for a club.

We really do need more active referees. New USSF rules require that kids be at least 13 years old when registering for the clinic. Of course, we always welcome more adult-age referees too.

You must pre-register for the clinic. A link will be provided below when available.

For more information on becoming a Referee, please visit the SVSRA website at:

Or you can email Skagit Referees at: [email protected]

Northwest United Tryouts

Tryouts for NWU 2019 are over.

Occasionally, there are still open roster spots available. Players interested in any such options should visit the NW United FC website

For information regarding tryout dates in 2020, check back here starting in April 2020.

Liga Tlaxtli

If you have questions or problems, please read our Troubleshooting Guide.


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