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Who is the AYFA, and how are they organized?

Arvada Youth Football Association (AYFA) is a non-profit area football league managed by an elected Board of Directors; a President, 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents and a Treasurer. The board's appointed members include a Secretary, Relationship Coordinator, Team Parent Representative, Age Group Coordinators, Field Manager, Equipment Manager, and a County Representative.

Where is the AYFA located?

Mailing address: PO Box 1679 Arvada CO 80001-1679
Physical address: 10415 W 64th Place (Campbell Cottages)
Phone 303-424-3460

When is the AYFA season?

AYFA is a member of the Jefferson County Youth Football Association (JYFA). Flag Football Season runs from March through May and the Tackle Football season runs from early August until late November. Registered players are drafted and placed on teams based on grade levels; 1st grade through 8th grade.

How do I register my child to play?

Athletes can register online or at our walk-up. Online registration opens March 1st. Walk-up registration takes place at the Campbell Cottages, 10415 W 64th Place. There is only one walk-up registration date in June (see important dates below or on the website).

How much does it cost?

The cost of registration is from $225 to $275. The fee includes a team jersey for players that are new to AYFA.

Are there other requirements?

Each player must provide: 1) A current physical examination. The physical examination may be obtained from your physician or at the time of registration and provided to the league prior to any participation; 2) An original birth certificate, a copy will be made by an AYFA Board member; 3) A copy of current school enrollment with grade placement; and 4) Proof of residence, such as utility bill. All documents will be kept in the player's packet.

What equipment does my child need?

In addition to the registration fee, each player is required to play in JYFA approved equipment. This equipment includes a helmet, mouthpiece, chin strap, shoulder pads and area approved game pants (including pads). Equipment packages are available through registration. Each player will also need to purchase cleats at a retailer of choice.

How does my child get placed on a team?

New players enter a draft where they are placed based on their local school affiliation. A player can submit one request to be placed on: 1) a specific team OR 2) with a specific friend OR 3) in a specific level of competition. NO requests are guaranteed, but AYFA makes every effort to fulfill player requests. Players/families are contacted following the annual draft to be introduced to the coach and understand practice logistics, dates, etc.

When are practices and games?

There are typically three practices and one game per week. Older age groups may practice four times a week. Games are usually held on Friday nights and Saturdays, although in some cases games are scheduled during the week and Sundays due to field availability and other schedule logistics. Teams will be scheduled to play an 8-game season.

What if my child has never played football before?

For all 4ththrough 8th grade players who are new to tackle football, AYFA highly encourages each of them to request the Purple level of play.

What are the important dates to remember?

Below are the important dates for the 2019 season (please also refer to the website for additional dates):
MARCH 1st Online registration begins

Walk Up Registration and Equipment (At the Cottages)
June 29 (Saturday) 9 - 12 pm

Registration closes on July 20th

August 5 Practice begins
August 23-25 Arvada Days Tournament/Jamboree
August 30 Games begin

Where are practices and games?AYFA provides the practice schedules/locations to the coaches at the time of the draft. Each player/family will be contacted with these logistics once they are known. Games are typically on Friday night and Saturday and will vary based on the opponent. JYFA includes members who play games at fields as far north as Legacy High School, as far south as Englewood High School, as far west as Evergreen High School, and as far east as the Montbello area.

Are there regular meetings for the AYFA group?The AYFA Board and its members meet once a month (unless a special meeting is required), starting in February on the second Thursday of the month. The board meets at the Campbell Cottages, 10415 W 64th Place (64th Pl. and Miller), at 7:30 PM during the season and at 7:00 PM in the offseason. Meetings are open to the Board Members, Coaches, and Team Managers. Check on the website calendar to verify the schedule.

What is the AYFA's Mission Statement?

Arvada Youth Football Association (AYFA) is a non-profit, community-based youth athletic organization serving Arvada families for over 50 years. Our board of directors, coaches, and managers are an all-volunteer organization. Our goal is to provide children grades 1st through 8th with a positive environment while learning and playing the game of football. This experience includes positive self-esteem, team building skills, and life lessons. We provide a positive atmosphere for our players and their families to enjoy.


PO Box 1679 
Arvada, Colorado 80001

Phone: 303-424-3460
Email: [email protected]

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