Article I
General Provisions
Section 1. Statement of Purpose
The primary purpose of the Salem Surge Soccer Club is to promote the game of soccer in Salem. In accordance with this purpose, the Club is designed to make the sport available to the residents of the town of Salem and act as an educational vehicle for the development of players.
Section 2. Definitions
- a) "Soccer Club" means the Salem Surge Soccer Club.
- b) "Soccer Club Membership" means registered players of the Soccer Club, coaches, various committee members, and officers involved in the most recent playing season of the Soccer
Club. The playing age groups of the registered players shall be determined by the Executive Committee in accordance with any applicable club rules, or sanctioning authority.
- c) "Officers" mean those elected office holders in leadership positions in the Soccer Club.
- d) "Executive Committee" means that group of individuals that make up the guiding administrative and policy body of the Soccer Club, to include all elected officers and chairpersons of the following committees; budget, equipment, program development, men's district representative and women's district representative.
- e) Parents and legal guardians of registered players may attend and vote at regular soccer club meetings.
Article II
Officers and their Duties
Section 1. Officers
The officers of the Soccer Club shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2. President
The President is the administrative head of the Soccer Club. The Presidents duties generally include presiding and calling to order all meetings of the Executive Committee and Soccer Club, announcing business to be conducted, providing for swift, orderly and pertinent discussion of questions during meetings, and putting them to vote. The President shall appoint committees, standing, or otherwise and be responsible for such other duties as may be prescribed in these Rules of Practice and by-laws. Upon taking office, the President shall confer with the past-President, if any, to acquaint himself/herself with current Club affairs.
Section 3. Vice President
Upon the absence of the President, the Vice President shall automatically become the presiding officer of the soccer Club. The Vice President shall generally assist the President in league publicity activities and administrative matters.
Section 4. Secretary
The Secretary shall be responsible for: records and minutes of all meetings of the Soccer Club, furnishing committees with all papers referred to them, and all written correspondence as directed by the president, and such other activities as may be assigned by the President from time to time.
Section 5. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be responsible for: all moneys and related documentation of the Soccer Club, keeping a detailed account of the revenues and expenditures of the Soccer Club, submitting the statement of the financial condition of the Soccer Club at all meetings and as otherwise prescribed in these Rules of Practice and by-laws, coordinating financial matters with standing and other committees in accordance with Executive Committee policy, filing tax returns as required, and such other duties as may be prescribed in these Rules of Practice and by-laws.
Article III
Election of Officers
Section 1. Date of Elections
Election of officers for the coming term will be held at the annual Election meeting of the Soccer Club. New officers shall take office at the January meeting.
Section 2. Method of Elections
- a) A nominating committee chosen by the President shall submit a slate of nominations for officers to the Executive Committee in advance of the annual elections. Nominations may also be received from the floor prior to the close of nominations at the annual Election Meeting.
- b) Elections of officers shall be by secret ballot or as prescribed by the President. A candidate receiving the greatest number of votes shall be declared elected. The soccer Club Membership, 18 and over, shall be eligible to vote for officers.
Section 3. Term of Office
Each elected officer shall serve for a term of one (1) year or until a successor shall take office. All officers shall be eligible for reelection after the expiration of their terms.
Section 4. Vacancies of Offices
The President shall appoint substitute officers in the event of vacancies in unexpired terms. In the event of a presidential vacancy, the vice-president shall assume this office for the duration of the unexpired term.
Article IV
Committees and Their Duties
Section 1. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall comprise the Soccer Clubs officers and the chairpersons of the Standing Committees. The Executive Committee Shall establish and direct Soccer Club policy, hold meetings from time to time to coordinate Soccer Club business, vote on matters of official business, and accomplish necessary administrative tasks as required.
Section 2. Standing and Other Committees
The following Standing committees are established: Budget, Equipment, and Program Development, men's district representative, women's district representative. The President has the right to form any committee deemed necessary. All committees shall have those powers and carry out such duties as prescribed by the Executive Committee from time to time.
Article V
Section 1. Annual Election Meeting
The annual Election Meeting shall be held every one (1) year for the primary purpose of electing officers of the soccer Club. This meeting shall be held after the termination of the Fall soccer season, or in the second week of November whichever occurs first
Section 2. Executive Committee Meetings
Meeting of the Executive Committee shall be called on the initiative of the President, or by the President after such a meeting has been requested by a quorum of the Executive Committee. No less than one (1) meeting shall be held each calendar quarter. Meetings shall be open to Committee members and those persons specifically requested by the President to attend in furtherance of the Executive Committee business.
Section 3. Soccer Club
Soccer Club meetings shall be called at least once each calendar quarter or after such a meeting has been requested by a quorum of the executive committee. The annual Elections Meeting shall be considered a Soccer Club meeting. All Soccer Club meetings shall be open to persons with an interest in the Salem Surge Soccer Club.
- a) All soccer club meetings are open for general discussion of all soccer club business on the agenda.
- b) All business requiring a vote will be voted on by the general membership. This vote will be binding on the soccer club with Executive Committee approval.
Article VI
Transaction of Administrative Business
Section 1. Quorum
A quorum is a simple majority (one over half) of the membership of the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Official Business
To transact any official business, a quorum must be present at an Executive Committee meeting. A majority vote on any matter shall prevail, except were specifically otherwise. The President shall vote only in cases of a tie vote.
Section 3. Agenda
An agenda for each meeting shall be made and prominently posted at each meeting.
Section 4. Parliamentary rules of conduct will be used for conduct of at business meetings.
Article VII
Fiscal Appropriations and Accountability
Section 1. Administration of Funds
The Executive Committee shall have the right and powers to administer funds to accomplish the purposes of the Soccer Club. The annual budget shall be approved by the March meeting by the executive committee.
Section 2. Receipt of Funds
- a) The President, Executive Committee Members, or any person representing the Soccer Club that receives Soccer Club funds shall within three (3) days of receipt of same, deliver said funds to the Soccer Club Treasurer.
- b) The Soccer Club Treasurer shall provide a receipt for funds received, record the transaction, and within three (3) days place received funds into the Soccer Club account.
Section 3.Expenditure of Funds
- a) Authority to expend SSC funds shall be limited to the President and Treasurer. Both the President and Treasurer shall be bonded before the ability to expend funds is authorized.
- b) The president is authorized to spend $50, up to an annual maximum of $200 without a vote of the Executive Committee, except for budgeted items. When necessary a telephone vote may be taken of the Executive Committee to authorize release of funds up to $200 three times a year.
- c) Reports of any and all expenditures shall be made to the Executive Committee at its next available meeting.
- d) The Treasurer shall, upon receipt of a bill representing an authorized expenditure, initiate payment within three (3) days and record said transaction. All expenditures must be accompanied by a bill listing goods and/or services purchased.
Section 4. Financial Review
- a) Progress reports for the Salem Recreation Commission shall be prepared by the Treasurer and endorsed by the Executive Committee, and distributed to same upon completion of the financial.
Article VIII
Section 1. Registrar
The registrar shall be appointed by the president to perform the duties of registration. He/She shall maintain the clubs data bank, register all Players for the club. He/She will be charged with organizing the annual fall registration, and all other registrations that may take place during the course of the year. The registrar reports to the Vice-president.
Section 2. Registration Procedure
The Executive Committee shall prescribe the date, time, place, and manner in which
registraion(s) takes place.
Section 3. Players Playing Up In Age
Younger players will not be permitted to play on an older team unless the Club (SSSC Executive Committee), through which the player is registered, determines and certifies in writing to the league registrar, that:
- it does not have enough players to field a team in the older age group without the participation of the player; or
- the player is being placed on a team with his or her classmates; or
- the player's skills justify the placement.
Article IX
Amending the By-laws
From time to time it may become necessary to change these laws governing the Soccer Club. When that occurs the procedure that must be followed is as followed:
- a) At a regularly scheduled meeting request that a change be made.
- b) At that meeting the first reading of the new amendment, then open the floor for discussion.
- c) Rewrite the amendment, as necessary, at the end of discussion.
- d) The second reading and vote will occur at the next scheduled club meeting.
Article X
Written policies will be drawn up by each committee chairperson and subcommittee chairperson for the proper operation of their area. These policies shall be approved by the Executive Committee. Changes can be made as needed with a majority approval of the Executive Committee.
Article XI
Section 1. Dissolution Procedure
In the event of the dissolution of the Soccer Club, all club moneys and equipment, exclusive of municipally owned equipment, shall be donated to activities, campaigns, movements, clubs, organizations, or the like which are consistent with the intent, nature, and spirit of the goals of the Salem Soccer Club, and which are located within the Town of Salem. Such determinations shall be made by the President after consideration of recommendations made by the Vice President and Treasurer.