Majors & Seniors Uniform check-in Wednesday July 3rd 5:30PM @ baseball fields


Q: How do I know when my player's team will practice?

A: The coach of the team will communicate with the players' parents to schedule practice times & locations.

Q: What kind of equipment do I need?

A: At the very least, a good glove. Rubber-molded spikes/cleats would also be a sound investment. Before spending a lot of money on a bat, please refer to the front page of the website and visit the Little League link of approved equipment. Optional items for your player include bats, batting gloves. All MAJORS & above male players must have PPE (cups) to play.

Q: Is my $50 deposit for majors & seniors uniforms refundable?

A: Yes! All majors & seniors are required to put down a $50 check deposit for their uniforms. When turned in at the end of the season the deposit will be returned. (no deposit checks will be cashed unless the uniform is not turned back in)

Q: Are you looking for volunteers?

A: YES! We couldn't run without volunteers. We always need volunteers to help with any number of league activities. From coaching, to umping, to scorekeeping, volunteering is vital to the success and experience that we offer our kids. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Pinedale Little League @ [email protected]

Q: How do I register?

A: On-Line on the website at:

Q: What if the weather looks bad? Who do I call?

A: We encourage coaches to notify their players as soon as games are canceled. The best way to get notification from the league is through Facebook or our president directly (307-231-0593) Never assume games are canceled without checking with your coach. Weather in Wyoming can change quickly!

Q: I have a complaint about a coach/umpire, rule, etc. Who do I contact?

A:  First, you are encouraged to address your concerns with your team's manager. If there is no resolution, all complaints should be provided to the president at 307-231-0593 or email at  [email protected]


1.)  Be sure your player is at practice and games ON TIME. Baseball is a team sport and the team depends on everybody to be working together within the scheduled times.

2.) If you're dropping your player off for a practice or a game, please be sure to pick your player up ON TIME.

3.) Let the coaches do the coaching. If you want to coach, volunteer.

4.) Be supportive at games.

5.) Offer to help out. Help set up the fields. help with the equipment, help keeping score, help cleaning up the field.

6.) REMEMBER- it is just a game! 


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