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Mission Statement/Objectives

Mission Statement:
The Pojoaque Valley Little League is a program of service to our youth. Our goal is to provide children ages 4 - 15 an enjoyable baseball and softball experience, which includes learning the basic skills of baseball and softball, teaching and instructing the youth in the rules of baseball and softball, promoting teamwork, and developing skills necessary to play youth baseball and softball safely. The PVLL aims to instill the values of sportsmanship and competition in youth and to provide lifelong habits of diet, exercise, and health in youth.

    The primary objective of the PVLL is to promote the growth of baseball and softball at all levels of competition for the Pojoaque Valley. Our goal as PVLL Board of Directors is to attract and develop the best coaches, umpires, and other adult leaders to ensure that our children have an enjoyable learning and playing experience. The development of sportsmanship, teamwork, honesty, courage, respect for authority, and physical fitness are the organization’s priorities. In order to accomplish these objectives, we seek to attain the following objectives:

•To govern the league in a manner that puts the development of our players, as both athletes and persons, above other considerations.

• To provide our players with volunteer coaches who work with players of all ability levels and who remember that development of exceptional athletic skills and winning games is secondary to the development of players and to providing our players with positive examples and a positive baseball experience.

• To provide our players with volunteer coaches who seek to teach those players the rules of the game along with proper baseball fundamentals.

• To provide high-quality facilities and equipment for the use of our players


Pojoaque Valley Little League
62 CR 84, Oweenge Rd.
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87506

Phone: 505-690-7193
Email: [email protected]

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