Payson Little league 2021 season guidelines & release form
GENERAL OVERVIEW: This document represents Payson Little League Play Ball Plan for Little League Baseball & Softball – This plan is intended to provide guidance for coaches, players, parents, board members and volunteers in areas identified by the CDC as well as state and local government and health officials in terms of public gatherings, organized youth sports, and sporting events. These best practices have been compiled from resources and direct guidance from Health Departments, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and among others.
Any player, manager/coach, umpire, volunteer, spectator, etc. with any of the following conditions must not attend a practice or game until evaluated by a medical provider and given clearance to do so:
· Active COVID-19 infection
· Known direct contact with an individual testing positive for COVID-19
· Awaiting COVID-19 test results
· Symptoms of COVID-19 – fever, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sore throat, chills, headache, body aches, extreme fatigue, recent loss of taste or smell or any other symptom of COVID-19
ON-FIELD GUIDANCE: This section applies for any Payson Little League activity including practices and games.
· Contact Tracing – a master program participant list will be required for all activities. This list will include the participant’s first and last name, phone number, mailing address and email address. Parent/Guardian information may be used if program participant is a minor. A daily program attendance sheet will be required for everyone attending the practice/game. The daily sheet will include the date & time of the program, facility, attendee’s name. Attendance sheets must be kept for a minimum of 30 days.
· No Handshakes/Personal Contact Celebrations – Players and Coaches should refrain from handshakes, high fives, fist/elbow bumps, chest bumps, group celebrations, etc. Little League International suggests lining up outside the dugout and tipping caps to the opposing team as a sign of good sportsmanship after a game.
· After the practice/game – Players and families should vacate the field/facility as soon as reasonably possible after the conclusion of the practice/game to minimize unnecessary contact, ideally within 20 minutes.
· Drinks and Snacks – Players, managers/coaches, and umpires should bring their own personal drinks to all team activities. There should be no use of shared or team beverages. Teams should not share any snacks or food. Players should bring individual, pre-packaged food, if needed.
· Personal Face coverings are suggested for all managers/coaches, volunteers, umpires, spectators, etc. It is recommended that players wear face coverings when social distancing is challenging, such as dugouts. Players are NOT required to wear to wear a face covering while on the field.
· Dugouts – managers/coaches and players should be assigned spots in the dugout or on the bleachers so that they are at least six feet apart. Players are to stay at their assigned spots when on the bench. Players and managers/coaches should wear a face covering while in the dugout.
· Player Equipment – Player equipment must be spaced accordingly to prevent direct contact. Players must have their own individual batter’s helmet, glove, bat, and catcher’s equipment if possible. Player’s equipment must be cleaned and disinfected after each use by a parent’/guardian. Players must not share equipment (if possible), towels, clothing, or other items that they may use to wipe their face or hands.
· Baseballs & Softballs – Baseball and Softballs must be rotated on a regular basis, at least every two innings, to limit individual contact. Umpires must limit their contact with the ball, and catchers should retrieve foul balls and passed balls where possible. Balls used in infield/outfield warm-up must be isolated from a shared ball container. Foul balls landing outside the field of play must be retrieved by participating players, coaches, and umpires. No spectators are allowed to retrieve the ball.
· Spitting, Sunflower Seeds, Gum, etc. – These items are not allowed in dugouts or on the playing field. All players and coaches are to refrain from spitting at all times, including in dugout areas and on the playing field.
· Pre-Game Plate Meetings – If possible, plate meetings should be eliminated. Social distancing of six feet between individuals should be implemented during all pre-game plate meetings between teams and umpires. Plate meetings should only consist of one manager/coach from each team, and game umpires. All participants should wear a face covering. No players should ever be a part of plate meetings.
· Equipment Inspection – Players should place their individual equipment in a well-spaced out manner for inspection. Umpires should avoid direct contact with equipment where possible but, when required, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol after the inspection of each individual piece of equipment.
· Limit League/Game Volunteers – For each game, there must only be the required team managers/coaches, umpires and one (1) league administrator in attendance. Practices must be limited to the managers/coaches and players. Scorekeeping must be done by team coaches or team parent/guardian. Proper social distancing must be practiced. Score booths must not be utilized unless there is ample room for social distancing to occur within them.
· Field Preparation and Maintenance – Fields should be mowed, raked, and lined prior to teams and spectators arriving at the complex and after they depart. It is encouraged that volunteers already participating in the game perform these tasks to limit individuals at the site. Field preparation equipment must be sprayed or wiped with cleaner and disinfectant before and after each use.
· Umpire Placements – Umpires are permitted to be placed behind the pitcher’s mound/circle to call balls and strikes. Umpires must keep a safe distance from players. If physically able, umpires are encouraged to wear face coverings while umpiring.
· Clean and Disinfect Shared Equipment Surfaces – Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily and in between all facility uses, including practices and games. This includes benches, doorknobs, handles, phones, keyboards, facility equipment, and dugouts.
· Spread Out Scheduling of Practices and Games – Sufficient time between practices and games must be scheduled to facilitate the complete evacuation of individuals from a previous practice or game from the premises before the next group enters. Players/families/spectators are instructed not to show up to fields more than 40 minutes before game time. On-field warm-up must be limited to no more than 30 minutes. Wait in cars before practice or games. Follow all local and state directives regarding the number of people allowed to gather in one place.
· Limiting Spectator Attendance – All spectators must follow social distancing guidelines – stay six feet away from individuals outside their household; wear a face covering at all times; avoid direct hand or other contact with players/managers/coaches during play. Spectators should bring their own seating/portable chairs when possible.
· Public Restrooms – Communicate information on policies to parents prior to resuming or beginning season. Access to public restrooms should be limited if possible. A “one-in-one-out” policy should be implemented. Public water fountains should not be used.
· Post Information to Promote Everyday Preventive Actions – Display posters and signs throughout the park to frequently remind visitors to take steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
· Member Communication – Disseminate information by way of email, league website, social media, and coach talks to all families, volunteers, and spectators about the risk of COVID-19 and the efforts Payson Little League will be undertaking to mitigate those risks.
It is the expectation of Payson Little League that all guidelines are strictly followed.
By signing this guideline and release form you and all family members are agreeing to its content and hold Town of Payson, Parks & Rec and Payson Little League board members harmless.
Let’s Play Ball and be safe.