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Frequently Asked Questions

1. When is registration?

We open registration each year online on January 1st. Registration closes each year by the posted tryout date and any late registrants past that date will be charged a late fee of $25.00 per child. Our goal is to allow every player the chance to play balancing with that limits that are needed for us to run the league.

Spreading the word about sign-up is a league-wide job. Returning families are our best ambassadors so please let your friends and family know, especially new families. For any further questions please email [email protected].

2. Can my child play on his/her friend’s team?

We do our very best to accommodate all requests during each season however, guaranteeing play with friends is not something we can do. We do however ensure that all siblings of the same age division are placed on the same team. Coach requests and players with specific transportation issues are considered but not guaranteed. If you have a specific special request you may submit it at registration but please know that only siblings will be guaranteed to be on the same team.

3. What if I want my player to play in a different division?

Each age division and its rules are structured to be ideal for all skill levels of similar age and provide the best experience possible for our players. Players with advanced skill levels are encouraged at every age to play in the next division up to help improve their skill set further. In the Minor/Major divisions the players with the highest skill levels will be placed on the Major division teams automatically. Players will only be allowed to play in either the division that they are the league age for or the next division up. Players will not be permitted to play in the division below their league age as it creates a major safety issue for other younger players who are playing in their correct division.

4. What is the youngest my player can be to participate in Habersham County Youth Baseball and Softball?

HCYBS accepts players who are league ages 4 through 17.  

5. Is there financial assistance available for families who need it?

Every year we encourage sponsors to donate money to help cover families who in times of financial struggle. Financial Aid is available on a first come, first serve basis and is VERY limited. Not every family will be approved for help. If you would like to sponsor a player please reach out to us during registration or email [email protected].

6. Are there any discounts for multiple children?

Yes. Upon registration, if you have multiple children, every child after the first registrant will receive a $5.00 per registration discount that will be applied at checkout.

7. Do we have to attend a walkup or observation?

Due to concerns around Covid 19, we are not requiring players who are registering in the spring season to attend a walkup registration to be sized for their uniform. We are using Nike shirts and hats for the uniform, so we are asking parents to go by their child's normal Nike size. We encourage parents to register their player online, but they may attend one of the announced walkup registrations if they prefer to do so. 

Observations are not required but are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED. Coaches get the chance to observe a players’ skill level and build their teams at the draft based on the information they gather. Observations also help us ensure that your player is placed in the correct division for their skill set. If a player does not attend the draft they will still be selected to a team, but their name will be drawn from a hat rather than going onto the player draft list.

8. Are there tryouts for all divisions?

At HCYBS we do not hold tryouts but rather observations. Observations give us a chance to evaluate each player and their current skill level to ensure that they are placed in the division that will encourage the most growth and the best possible experience. Our coaches attend each evaluation so that they can get a ‘sneak peak’ of each player to help them in building their teams during the draft.

T-Ball and 8U divisions

Tball 4/5 Baseball and Softball DO NOT attend observations. The Coach-Pitch 8U Division DOES attend observations. We do try to honor team requests if possible, although the number of returning players and the need to balance teams will occasionally make it impossible to honor all requests.

Minors, Majors, and JR/SR Divisions:

JR/SR Divisions in baseball and softball DO NOT attend observations. There ARE observations held for both the 10U Live Pitch and 12U Majors divisions. The drafts happen in the days following observations. The draft is a selection process by the managers of each team. Each division holds it’s own draft. Managers will contact players within a couple days of the draft. All players are selected and draft order is not released.

9. When do practices and games start?

Our teams generally begin practicing following the draft in mid February, although it varies by team. Junior and Senior divisions will not begin practices or games until mid April so that school seasons can be complete.

Most teams begin practicing outside one to two days per week, weather permitting. Each individual coach establishes the practice schedule. Games begin the second week in March and go through the end of May following the Habersham County School schedules as closely as possible. Games are played on weeknights and weekends with the exception of Wednesday and Sundays. Your team will typically only be scheduled 2 games per week however, occasionally there may be 3 in a week if we have rainouts or unfavorable conditions and need to reschedule.

All T-ball teams will play a minimum of 10 games or other competitive events per season while Rookie, Minor, Major, Junior and Senior leagues will have a minimum of 12. More may be scheduled but these are the minimum amounts to be played.

Double headers are only allowed in the 12U Major division (though rarely scheduled) as well as the Junior and Senior divisions.


Coaches are responsible for the practice schedule and may organize additional practices through the season at their discretion.

On average each team will play two games per week with limited Saturdays.

8U Coach Pitch Division:

On average there are two games and one practice in any given week. Some teams practice 1-2 times/week during the season but this is completely at the discretion of your coach. Each individual manager establishes practice schedules and location.

Each team will play an average of 2 games per week, depending on weather. We try our best to limit the number of Saturdays played and typically only play about 3 or 4 in an entire season. No practices or games will be scheduled on Wednesdays or Sundays.

Minor, Major and Junior Divisions:

On average there are 2 games and 1 practice in any given week. Each individual manager establishes practice schedules. Majors and Junior/Senior divisions are subject to double headers although we try to limit those in the Major division.

Each team will play an average of 2 games per week, depending on weather. We try our best to limit the number of Saturdays played and typically only play about 3 or 4 in an entire season. No practices or games will be scheduled on Wednesdays or Sundays.

10. What are the goals of each division?

Overall, the goals of each division are to develop the players into better athletes, but more importantly, better teammates, and better overall people. Within each division, the league has given each coach a set of baseball-skills related goals that we work towards each player achieving by the end of a player’s time in a given division.

11. Does the league offer skills clinics?

Yes. Throughout the year our program will host many opportunities for clinics and even private lessons. Please refer to our website throughout the year for these updates. We will also send out information as it is available via email.

12. Does the league need volunteers?

Yes! We couldn’t run without volunteers. HCYBS is COMPLETELY VOLUNTEER OPERATED!!! We always need volunteers to help with any number of league activities. From coaching to keeping score or helping with Opening Day, volunteering is vital to the success and experience that we offer our kids. We urge you to help out the managers and coaches with other tasks on the team. Each team should have a Team Parent that can arrange events, after-game snacks (for the younger players), running the scoreboard, keeping the book, keeping pitch counts, organizing a team party (not required but so fun!), etc. As you can see the list is lengthy.

Our leagues is required to conduct background checks on Managers, Coaches, Board of Directors members and any other persons, volunteers or hired workers, who provide regular service to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with, players or teams. If you would like to volunteer in any capacity, please be sure you have a completed and cleared background check on file BEFORE you get on the field.

If you are interested in volunteering or want to learn more about it, please contact the manager of your team or for general volunteering, reach out to [email protected].

13. Where are the games played?

T-Ball: All T-ball games are played at Diamond Memorial Complex (aka Habersham Youth Baseball and Softball) fields. There is no travel for these divisions. Practices can be held at either our home fields or the Ruby C. Fulbright Aquatic Center fields so please refer to your schedule when practices are posted.

8U Coach Pitch, 10U Live Pitch, and 12U Major Divisions: Home games will all be played at Diamond Memorial Complex (Habersham Youth Baseball and Softball). There ARE away games, although limited.

Junior/Senior Divisions: Most all games are played at the Ruby C. Fulbright Aquatic Center fields across the road from Habersham County Youth Baseball and Softball. This age division can be scheduled for away games in nearby counties.

14. Are carry-ins allowed?

Please No. We have a concession stand that provides key revenue for our league. We ask that you utilize that. Also, please be mindful to not leave behind trash and pick it up if you see it. We work very hard as a completely volunteer operated league to make sure we have a great looking facility but too often the setting is marred by trash left on the ground.

15. Are there any park rules?

Yes. At HCYBS we comply first with the Habersham County Recreation Department Facility Rules located at the entrance (base of the stairs) of our park. In addition, we also do not allow smoking/vaping/tobacco of any kind, alcohol, skateboarding/roller blading/scooters/bikes or animals of any kind with the exception of service animals.

HCYBS also mandates that our Sportsmanship Agreement is followed by all patrons of the park. This agreement is entered into once your player is registered and applies to any spectators or patrons of the park that are associated to that player as well as the player themselves. Please review the Sportsmanship Agreement at

16. I have a complaint about a coach/league member/umpire, who do I talk to?

Any and all concerns or complaints can be reported to a Board Member. Board members are happy to help in any way they can to solve your issue however, any complaints about rules of play, coaches, officials, players or incidents must be submitted IN WRITING to [email protected] with the subject line Concern. The Board will then review the submission, collect statements if needed and vote on an appropriate action. You will be contacted within 24 hours after a submission to let you know we have received your submission and it is being processed.

17. Where can I park?

Parking for Diamond Memorial Complex is located in the upper parking lot for all non-placarded vehicles. We do offer the ability to pull to the bottom parking lot to load and unload to help make it a bit easier on our coaches and parents. Feel free to use this as often as is needed during the season. Pleas also be mindful of the handicapped and illegal parking as our lot is monitored by the Habersham County Sheriffs Dept and they DO ISSUE TICKETS AND TOW! (and yes this applies to practices as well as games)

18. What equipment will my player need?

At minimum, your player will need a baseball glove, a helmet. Cleats are required for all ages except T-ball where they are recommended (metal spikes allowed in Junior and Senior divisions but NOT in lower divisions). Optional items for your player include a bat and/or batting gloves. If your player is going to play catcher, they must have a protective cup (baseball) and a dangling throat guard (baseball/softball). The league recommends protective cups for all baseball infielders.

The league provides each player with a Jersey and Hat/Visor. Each coach will select the color of pants they prefer and will let their team know so that each player can purchase pants. The league will also have donated items upstairs in the field house available on a first come, first serve basis throughout the year for those that need assistance.

19. Bats

All players must use USA bats. Those bats will be stamped with the USA symbol. 

20. Are rainouts made up?

Yes and No. We schedule as many games as possible for the regular season to ensure that our players stay in compliance with the league standard of scheduled games regardless of weather. We do try and reschedule games if weather and the calendar both permit however should that not be the case we may have some of the regular schedule that does not get rescheduled. As long as each team reaches the league minimum then the season is considered successful and reschedules will not be priority.

On days when weather is questionable the league will decide on the playability of the fields for the safety of our players by no later than 3:00pm each game day. NO GAMES WILL BE CANCELLED PRIOR TO 3:00PM ON WEEKDAYS AND NO LATER THAN 8:00AM ON SATURDAYS UNLESS OBVIOUS WEATHER HAS SET IN. OUR VOLUNTEERS WILL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO SALVAGE THE FIELDS AND REWORK THEM TO PLAYABLE STATUS IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. We will contact your coaches first for cancellations and then post field closures on our website, Facebook page as well as send them through email and text to your information on file.

21. What is inter-league play?

Interleague play is only for the 8U Coach Pitch and above divisions. Several games per season will be played between Habersham County Youth Baseball and Softball teams in those divisions and teams that are put together from other areas nearby.

22. Will I have to travel for games?

There will be some travel during the regular season for interleague games. The postseason All-Star teams will also have some travel involved depending on where each age division is hosted within our District and if they advance far enough.

23. What if I have schedule conflicts?

Our league and coaches understand that there will be circumstances where your player cannot make a practice or game. Open, honest, communication with an email, text or phone call with your player’s coach, are great ways to inform them of your player's conflicts. If you can talk to the coach after a game or practice, that also works great.

24. Is there an All-Star game?

After the regular season is over, All-Star Tournaments for our District will begin for the 8U, 10U, 12U, Junior, and Senior divisions. Each coach nominates 3-4 kids to represent their team. A nomination DOES NOT mean a player has made an All-star team.

Performance is one of the factors each coach looks at in nominating an All-Star, but great sportsmanship, and being a great teammate are also items that are looked at. Each age divisions coaches come together with the Player Agent, Coach Coordinator and President to review nominations and vote to build each All-Star team. There are a total of 7 possible Allstar divisions (both baseball and softball so 14 in all) that our league can enter players into based on age. The coaches are encouraged to build a team in each available division if possible.

At the beginning of the season the league will open up the option for parents to list their player as ‘available’ to be nominated for an All-Star team. This helps the coaches be able to nominate players who’s summer schedules allow them to be available for play in their respective age division based on the provided dates. A nomination does NOT guarantee a spot.

25. What does it cost to play on an All-Star team?

Each All-Star player is responsible for a $100 fee to provide a full uniform and cover their tournament entry fee. All-Star teams are encouraged to find local business sponsors to cover their uniforms and tournament fees and in past years most all have been very successful.

26. Who umpires the games?

Our games are umpired by paid umpires who register and are trained by our Umpire in Chief. We train the umpires and provide refreshers when necessary. Senior umpires, those that have been with the program the longest and have the most experience, officiate our older division games. Junior umpires who are in training will be paired with a Senior umpire for younger division games to help with consistency and continued training. We ask that parents do not make any comments to umpires during the games. If there are inappropriate comments made or general misconduct by anyone, league officers may remove individuals from the park and they could be subject to fine via our Parent/Player Sportsmanship Agreement.

If you have a comment about a specific umpire, parents can report it the Chief Umpire by emailing [email protected] with the subject line "Umpire Complaint". If your daughter or son is interested in becoming an umpire, please use the same email for more information and to be forwarded to our Umpire in Chief.

27. Is there a Fall Ball program?

We typically offer a Fall Ball program that begins in September with Registration opening in July. More information on our Fall Ball program will be posted by the end of the regular Spring Season online.

28. How do team pictures work?

Every year we accept bids from local photographers who wish to earn the business of photographing our players. The board reviews bids and votes on the best possible option for our parents and players. The league then arranges to have team pictures taken near our fields. (If the weather is good, we take them at our fields; in case of rain, we go inside a local facility). Managers will have the opportunity to select their time slot for pictures and forms will be available online for families prior to the event so that they can be prepared. It is important to be on time for team pictures so players aren’t excluded. Pictures typically take place at the beginning of the season, prior to spring break and once pictures are delivered, managers will be contacted for pickup and disbursement.

29. Does the league offer sponsorship opportunities?

Yes. The HCYBS counts on businesses to support the league through sponsorship. There are many different ways to sponsor our program and the best part is that every gift is COMPLETELY TAX DEDUCTIBLE! HCYBS is a true 501C3 so if you run a business or know someone who does, please ask them if they are interested in sponsoring.. For information on costs, please see the sponsorship form located at or contact contact HCYBS at [email protected] with the subject line sponsorship.

30. Does the league have accident, concussion or other incident policies?

All parents are asked to sign a release of liability form before beginning to play. As such, parents are responsible for providing their own health insurance to cover their children in the event of an accident. In the case of an incident, please request an incident form to provide a record of the accident to league officials.

HCYBS has a detailed Safety Plan in place that includes local rules as well as Weather, Concussion and Active Shooter policies and procedures among many other items. Please visit to review our plan.

31. Can a player wear any jewelry on the field?

Players are not permitted to wear jewelry such as, but not limited to, rings, watches, earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. The only exception is jewelry that alerts medical personnel to a specific condition. Sunglasses are permitted. 

32. Are pitchers allowed to wear arm sleeves?

A baseball pitcher can wear an arm sleeve, but it must be fully covered by an undershirt. And, any part of the pitcher’s undershirt that can be seen must be a solid color, and the sleeves cannot be white or gray. A softball pitcher may wear an arm sleeve, but is not required to cover it. Also, a pitcher cannot wear any items on his/her hands, wrists, or arms which may be distracting to the hitter. So, if your child plays baseball and wants to use an arm sleeve on the mound, keep a long-sleeved dark-color undershirt on hand.

33. What exactly is the mandatory play rule?

During regular season play, every rostered player present at the start of a game will participate in each game for a minimum of six defensive outs (basically, two full innings in the field, however those six outs do not need to be consecutive) and bat at least one time for regular season games.

For tournament games, mandatory play is adjusted slightly. Either a board member or the team's coach will review play requirements for tournament play.

34. Can my son or daughter use a bat weight on the bat to prepare for an at-bat?

No. The traditional batting donut is not permissible, but a weighted bat sleeve is. In addition, the on-deck position is not permitted in the 12U Major Division and below.

35. Why does the league have pitch count regulations for baseball?

The answer is simple – to protect young arms. Player safety is paramount, and we’re proud of the regulations we’ve put in place. The healthier our players are, the more games they’ll play, which results in them having more fun with their friends. Pitch count rules differ for several divisions. Please visit our local rules page for more information, and be sure to alert your team’s manager if your child pitches in youth baseball programs other that our's.

36. What does an uncaught third strike mean?

Mistakenly called a “Dropped Third Strike,” this is when a batter becomes a runner after the third strike called by an umpire, or a pitch is swung on and missed by a batter, is not caught by the catcher. For the hitter to be eligible as a runner, however, first base must be unoccupied or first base is occupied with two outs. To put the batter-runner out, the defense must tag the batter or first base before the batter touches first base. An uncaught third strike does not apply in all divisions. Please read each divisions local rules for more information.

37. During a play at home plate, does a runner have to avoid the catcher, whether he or she is sliding or not?

A play at the plate is no different than a play at any other base. A player must slide or attempt to avoid the defensive player. Collisions are not allowed at Habersham County Youth Baseball and Softball. Catchers in the 8U division may not block home plate.

40. In softball, is a face guard necessary on a helmet?

A face guard on a helmet, whether worn at the plate or as a safety precaution in the field, is optional. Pitchers or players playing the position of pitcher must wear a face guard.


P.O. Box 2241 
Clarkesville, Georgia 30523

Email: [email protected]

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