Q: Why did you change the name?
A: The Lakehills/Pipe Creek Little League established in 1998 has been a proud member of the Medina Lake Community. Many generations of families have brought their children to the Leibold Sports Complex to play. Due to their success and the continued growth of our area, our league boundary has grown to now include Lakehills, Pipe Creek, Mico, Rio Medina and everything in between. We chose to change the name to represent that success and growth, and to be more inclusive of the families that will be joining the long standing tradition of Little League in the greater Medina Lake area.
Q: What exactly does my kid need to play?
A: We recommend that all kids come to play with a pants (no shorts), glove, cleats, and a helmet. We also require a softball face mask. Uniforms will be provided and required for games.
Here at GMLLL we recognize that kids outgrow sports equipment quickly, and its expensive! We are working to put together a collection of gently used equipment to offer our families at significantly reduced prices. This will ensure that every kid has what they need to have a fun and SAFE little league experience!
Q: What are the parent expectations?
A: In order for everyone to have a fun and rewarding season there are certain parent expectations that will be followed throughout our league:
1. Please make sure that child arrives at (and are picked up at) all practices and games at the appropriate time. If you know your child will be late or won't be able to make it to a practice or game, please let the coach know in advance if possible.
2. Help out with team volunteer opportunities. We have a number of items that require parent help such as raffles, fundraising, concession stand duty, field maintenance, etc.
3. Get involved with playing with your child. This may be helping out with at practice or playing catch in the yard on days you don't practice.
4. Please encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every game and practice. Please cheer for your child during games, but try to keep from yelling instructions to them. Remember this is their opportunity to enjoy playing in the game. Much of the fun is lost if their Mom or Dad is always yelling instructions.
5. Safety is a primary concern. Leaving your child unattended at the field is not permitted. A responsible adult must be with your child at all times. If you see any situation that you believe is a safety concern, please step in and help or notify your coach or nearest board member.
6. Be respectful of all teammates, opponents, coaches, managers, umpires, board members, and other adults involved with Little League. Communicate in a respectful manner should a conflict or question arise.
Q: Will we have to travel for games?A: Yes. We are growing as a league, but still have to play inter-league games. The following leagues are in our district: Bandera, Boerne, Comfort, Center Point, Fredericksburg, Harper, Ingram, Kerrville, Leakey, Medina, and Medina Valley.
Q: I want to help - how do I get more involved?A: WE NEED YOU! Our league is run 100% by volunteers. We need anyone willing to help keep the fields mowed and clean, operate the concession stand, coach, be a team parent, coordinate activities, help us raise money for the season, etc. Email us at [email protected] if you're interested in helping and one of our board members will contact you. Or, better yet - come find us on the field!
Q: How/when will I find out what team my child is on?A: We are currently recruiting coaches and players during registration. We will conduct a draft after tryouts. Coaches will be reaching out to parents and coordinating practice schedules no later than February 17th, 2020.
Have a question?? Email us at [email protected]