Registration for all divisions opened on February 1, 2024! Sign up today!
Registration for all divisions opens February 1, 2023!
With the support of The Rotary Club, Northfield Savings Bank, and Paine Mountain School District, Northfield...
Northfield Little League has completed renovations to the infield surfaces at the Falls Fields.
Northfield Little League's improvements to the infield surfaces on the Falls Fields has begun!
Treasurer Will Eberle wrote a grant proposal that won $4,500 from Honda. The award will be used to refurbish...
Falls Fields
Memorial Park
Couples Field
Bailey Field
East Montpelier Recreation Fields
Dascomb P. Rowe Athletic Fields
Lincoln Field
Anderson Field
Bond Field
Northfield Little League
358 Bailey Rd Northfield, Vermont 05663
Email: [email protected] Phone: 802-498-8498