Parents, coaches, and players,
Welcome to Spokane Indians Youth Baseball and Softball 2021. We are excited to begin our eighth year as Spokane Indians Youth Baseball and Softball. After a year where no baseball could be played in 2020 because of COVID19, we are ready to get back on the field playing ball. Due to COVID19, we have implemented some RETURN TO PLAY GUIDELINES that will help keep our players, coaches, officials, and spectators safe. Please review them before registering for spring ball. In Phase 2, masks must be worn at all times.
Registration will open mid-February and will close March 11th for the 9u-12u Full Team Division and March 18th for the 10u-12u INW Division. For 6u t-ball, 6u coach pitch, and 8u coach pitch, registration will close March 25th. Registration could close earlier if we reach capacity.
Our goal is to offer baseball to players of all skill levels from beginner to advanced. From there, we strive to give players and teams an opportunity to play against like competition. There are two options for players in the spring, full team (competitive) and INW (recreational).
For the Full Team Division, we will be registering teams by age group with the options being 9U, 10U, 11U and 12U. For the 10U, 11U and 12U we will be breaking into two separate divisions based on the competition level of the team. We will break out the divisions based on the past history of the team and conversations with coaches. Teams will be registered in both Pony and Babe Ruth. Full teams pay as a team and provide their own uniforms and gear. Each player still needs to register but doesn’t pay anything. For Full Team, USABats must be used.
For the INW Individuals, we will be offering a 10U and 12U division, our Inland Northwest division. Players register and pay individually. We will be putting teams together based on your player’s high school area. Teams will be provided with uniforms and gear from the league. If there are several kids requesting the same coach, the team should register as a full team. For INW, USABats must be used.
For players that aren’t on a team but would like to be on a full team as well as full teams that still need players, we have automated our “Find a Player. Find a Team” page. Parents and coaches can log in and post your information. See the tab under “Baseball” on our home page. In 2021, SIYB will be committed to providing better resources for coaches.
All player pitch divisions will play two extra games in addition to their regular season June 11-17. The dates for these additional games could extend or shorten due to the number of teams and/or field availability.
For the coach pitch and t-ball divisions, we will continue to offer free agent sign-ups and assign players to teams as close to home as possible. We will offer a 6U and 8U coach pitch divisions as well as a 6U tee ball division. All players register and pay individually. The league provides full uniforms and gear for each team. We will be starting these divisions in April.
For all Inland Northwest Divisions, we are always looking for coaches and volunteers. If you have a baseball or softball background, please volunteer to coach a team. If you would like to be involved in the operation of the league please email [email protected] and let us know that you are interested in helping out.
For all other questions please email us at [email protected]. By asking questions via email you will allow us to gather the most often asked questions and post them on the site.