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Norwalk Cal Ripken Travel Baseball

Norwalk Cal Ripken Travel Baseball


Want to Sponsorship a Youth Baseball Team? Check Out the Options!

Click Here: norwalk youth baseball 2024 sponsorship packet final 1.pdf


Sponsorship Packages

1. Premier Sponsor (1) -Citywide Spring NYB Championship - $2,500
a. Primary sponsor for inaugural NYB Citywide Championships
b. Name in press releases
c. Name on trophies
d. Banner at field
e. Team sponsor
f. Business highlighted in team communications
g. Business listed on NYB website

2. Travel Team Sponsor (6) - $1,000
a. Primary sponsor for one of our 8U, 9U, 10U, 11U or 12U travel teams
b. Logo on jersey - teams travel throughout CT and NY
c. Banner at home field
d. Business highlighted in team communications
e. Business listed on NYB website

3. Scoreboard / Field Sponsor - $750
a. Company/Organization banner displayed at one of our field’s (Scoreboard OR
Centerfield fence) for the duration of the season
b. A banner displayed prominently at 1 of our fields for all to see for the duration of the
c. Company/Organization website link on our Norwalk Youth Baseball website
d. Team Sponsor
4. Team Sponsorships (by age) $400-$500
a. Company/Organization Name on jerseys
b. Team Photo Plaque to display at your establishment
c. Company/Organization website link on our Norwalk Youth Baseball website
i. Intermediate Division ages 11-13 - $500 (teams travel to other towns)
ii. Majors Division ages 11-12 - $500
iii. AAA Division ages 9-10 - $500
iv. AA Division ages 7-8 - $500
v. A Division ages 6-7 - $500
vi. Tee Ball - ages 4-6 - $400

5. Field Banner - $250
a. A banner displayed prominently at 1 of our fields for all to see for the duration of the
b. Company/Organization website link on our Norwalk Youth Baseball website


Norwalk Cal Ripken Travel Baseball
304 Main Ave, P.O. Box 209
Norwalk, Connecticut 06851

Email: [email protected]

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